Classes and Modules
Class ActionController::Reloader::BodyWrapper
Public Class methods
run(lock = @@default_lock) {|| ...}
    # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/reloader.rb, line 30
30:     def = @@default_lock)
31:       lock.lock
32:       begin
33:         Dispatcher.reload_application
34:         status, headers, body = yield
35:         # We do not want to call 'cleanup_application' in an ensure block
36:         # because the returned Rack response body may lazily generate its data. This
37:         # is for example the case if one calls
38:         #
39:         #   render :text => lambda { ... code here which refers to application models ... }
40:         #
41:         # in an ActionController.
42:         #
43:         # Instead, we will want to cleanup the application code after the request is
44:         # completely finished. So we wrap the body in a BodyWrapper class so that
45:         # when the Rack handler calls #close during the end of the request, we get to
46:         # run our cleanup code.
47:         [status, headers,, lock)]
48:       rescue Exception
49:         lock.unlock
50:         raise
51:       end
52:     end