Public Instance methods
dom_class(*args, &block)

See ActionController::RecordIdentifier.dom_class — this is just a delegate to that for convenient access in the view.

    # File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/record_identification_helper.rb, line 10
10:       def dom_class(*args, &block)
11:         ActionController::RecordIdentifier.dom_class(*args, &block)
12:       end
dom_id(*args, &block)

See ActionController::RecordIdentifier.dom_id — this is just a delegate to that for convenient access in the view.

    # File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/record_identification_helper.rb, line 15
15:       def dom_id(*args, &block)
16:         ActionController::RecordIdentifier.dom_id(*args, &block)
17:       end
partial_path(*args, &block)

See ActionController::RecordIdentifier.partial_path — this is just a delegate to that for convenient access in the view.

   # File actionpack/lib/action_view/helpers/record_identification_helper.rb, line 5
5:       def partial_path(*args, &block)
6:         ActionController::RecordIdentifier.partial_path(*args, &block)
7:       end