YAML_TAG = ',2002:float'.freeze
YAML_MAPPING = { 'Infinity' => '.Inf', '-Infinity' => '-.Inf', 'NaN' => '.NaN' }
Public Instance methods
to_formatted_s(format = DEFAULT_STRING_FORMAT)
    # File activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/bigdecimal/conversions.rb, line 20
20:         def to_formatted_s(format = DEFAULT_STRING_FORMAT)
21:           _original_to_s(format)
22:         end
to_yaml(opts = {})

This emits the number without any scientific notation. This is better than self.to_f.to_s since it doesn‘t lose precision.

Note that reconstituting YAML floats to native floats may lose precision.

    # File activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/bigdecimal/conversions.rb, line 28
28:         def to_yaml(opts = {})
29:           YAML.quick_emit(nil, opts) do |out|
30:             string = to_s
31:             out.scalar(YAML_TAG, YAML_MAPPING[string] || string, :plain)
32:           end
33:         end