*2.3.8 (May 24, 2010)*

  • Version bump.

*2.3.7 (May 24, 2010)*

  • Version bump.

*2.3.6 (May 23, 2010)*

  • Added config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb with an auto-generated secret for using ActionController::Base#cookies.signed [DHH]
  • Fixed that the debugger wouldn‘t go into IRB mode because of left-over ARGVs [DHH]

*2.3.5 (November 25, 2009)*

  • Ruby 1.9 compatibility

*2.3.4 (September 4, 2009)*

  • I18n support for plugins. 2325 [Antonio Tapiador, Sven Fuchs]

*2.3.3 (July 12 2009)

  • Version bump

*2.3.2 [Final] (March 15, 2009)*

  • Allow metal to live in plugins 2045 [Matthew Rudy]
  • Added metal [Josh Peek]
  • Remove script/performance/request in favour of the performance integration tests. [Pratik Naik]

    To continue using script/performance/request, install the request_profiler plugin :

      script/plugin install git://github.com/rails/request_profiler.git
  • Add a rake task to apply a template to an existing application : rake rails:template LOCATION=~/template.rb [Pratik Naik]
  • Add "-m/—template" option to Rails generator to apply a template to the generated application. [Jeremy McAnally]
      This has been extracted from rg - http://github.com/jeremymcanally/rg
          # template.rb
          # Install plugins from git or svn
          plugin "will-paginate", :git => "git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git"
          plugin "old-restful-auth", :svn => "http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/restful_authentication/"
          # Add gems to environment.rb
          gem "jeremymcanally-context"
          gem "bluecloth"
          # Vendor file. Data in a string or...
          vendor("borrowed.rb", <<CODE
            def helpful_method
          # ...file data from block return value.
          # #initializer creates a new initializer file
          initializer("crypto.rb") do
            salt = "--#{Time.now}--#{rand}--#{srand(Time.now.to_i)}"
            "SPECIAL_SALT = '#{salt}'"
        To use a template, provide a file path or URL:
        1. Using a local file :
          rails <application name> -m /path/to/my/template.rb
        2. Or directly from a URL :
          rails <application name> --template=http://gist.github.com/31208.txt
  • Extracted the process scripts (inspector, reaper, spawner) into the plugin irs_process_scripts [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Changed Rails.root to return a Pathname object (allows for Rails.root.join(‘app’, ‘controllers’) => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers") 1482 [Damian Janowski/?]
  • Added view path support for engines [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added that config/routes.rb files in engine plugins are automatically loaded (and reloaded when they change in dev mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added app/[models|controllers|helpers] to the load path for plugins that has an app directory (go engines ;)) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Add config.preload_frameworks to load all frameworks at startup. Default to false so Rails autoloads itself as it‘s used. Turn this on for Passenger and JRuby. Also turned on by config.threadsafe! [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Add a rake task to generate dispatchers : rake rails:generate_dispatchers [Pratik Naik]
  • "rails <app>" will not generate public/dispatch.cgi/fcgi/rb files by default now. Please use "—with-dispatchers" option if you need them. [Yaroslav Markin, Pratik Naik]
  • Added rake rails:update:application_controller to renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb — included in rake rails:update so upgrading to 2.3 will automatically trigger it 1439 [kastner]
  • Added Rails.backtrace_cleaner as an accessor for the Rails::BacktraceCleaner instance used by the framework to cut down on backtrace noise and config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb to add your own (or turn them all off) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Switch from Test::Unit::TestCase to ActiveSupport::TestCase. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Added config.i18n settings gatherer to config/environment, auto-loading of all locales in config/locales/*.rb,yml, and config/locales/en.yml as a sample locale [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb and removed all the special casing that was in place to support the former. You must do this rename in your own application when you upgrade to this version [David Heinemeier Hansson]

*2.2.1 [RC2] (November 14th, 2008)*

  • Fixed plugin generator so that generated unit tests would subclass ActiveSupport::TestCase, also introduced a helper script to reduce the needed require statements 1137 [Mathias Meyer]
  • Update Prototype to [sam]

*2.2.0 [RC1] (October 24th, 2008)*

  • Fixed that sqlite would report "db/development.sqlite3 already exists" whether true or not on db:create 614 [Antonio Cangiano]
  • Added config.threadsafe! to toggle allow concurrency settings and disable the dependency loader [Josh Peek]
  • Turn cache_classes on by default [Josh Peek]
  • Added configurable eager load paths. Defaults to app/models, app/controllers, and app/helpers [Josh Peek]
  • Introduce simple internationalization support. [Ruby i18n team]
  • Make script/plugin install <plugin> -r <revision> option work with git based plugins. 257. [Tim Pope Jakub Kuźma]. Example:

    script/plugin install git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git -r agnostic # Installs ‘agnostic’ branch script/plugin install git://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec.git -r ‘tag 1.1.4‘

  • Added Rails.initialized? flag [Josh Peek]
  • Make rake test:uncommitted work with Git. [Tim Pope]
  • Added Thin support to script/server. 488 [Bob Klosinski]
  • Fix script/about in production mode. 370 [Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier Noria, David Krmpotic]
  • Add the gem load paths before the framework is loaded, so certain gems like RedCloth and BlueCloth can be frozen.
  • Fix discrepancies with loading rails/init.rb from gems.
  • Plugins check for the gem init path (rails/init.rb) before the standard plugin init path (init.rb) [Jacek Becela]
  • Changed all generated tests to use the test/do declaration style [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Wrapped Rails.env in StringInquirer so you can do Rails.env.development? [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Fixed that RailsInfoController wasn‘t considering all requests local in development mode (Edgard Castro) [310 state:resolved]

*2.1.0 (May 31st, 2008)*

  • script/dbconsole fires up the command-line database client. 102 [Steve Purcell]
  • Fix bug where plugin init.rb files from frozen gem specs weren‘t being run. (pjb3) [122 state:resolved]
  • Made the location of the routes file configurable with config.routes_configuration_file (Scott Fleckenstein) [88]
  • Rails Edge info returns the latest git commit hash [Francesc Esplugas]
  • Added Rails.public_path to control where HTML and assets are expected to be loaded from (defaults to Rails.root + "/public") 11581 [Nick Sieger]
  • rake time:zones:local finds correct base utc offset for zones in the Southern Hemisphere [Geoff Buesing]
  • Don‘t require rails/gem_builder during rails initialization, it‘s only needed for the gems:build task. [Rick Olson]
  • script/performance/profiler compatibility with the ruby-prof >= 0.5.0. Closes 9176. [Jonathan del Strother]
  • Flesh out rake gems:unpack to unpack all gems, and add rake gems:build for native extensions. 11513 [ddollar]

    rake gems:unpack # unpacks all gems rake gems:unpack GEM=mygem # unpacks only the gem ‘mygem‘

    rake gems:build # builds all unpacked gems rake gems:build GEM=mygem # builds only the gem ‘mygem‘

  • Add config.active_support for future configuration options. Also, add more new Rails 3 config settings to new_rails_defaults.rb [Rick Olson]
  • Add Rails.logger, Rails.root, Rails.env and Rails.cache shortcuts for RAILS_* constants [Pratik Naik]
  • Allow files in plugins to be reloaded like the rest of the application. [Rick Olson]

    Enables or disables plugin reloading.

      config.reload_plugins = true

    You can get around this setting per plugin. If reload_plugins? == false (DEFAULT), add this to your plugin‘s init.rb to make it reloadable:

      Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete lib_path

    If reload_plugins? == true, add this to your plugin‘s init.rb to only load it once:

      Dependencies.load_once_paths << lib_path
  • Small tweak to allow plugins to specify gem dependencies. [Rick Olson]

    # OLD open_id_authentication plugin init.rb require ‘yadis’ require ‘openid’ ActionController::Base.send :include, OpenIdAuthentication

    # NEW config.gem "ruby-openid", :lib => "openid", :version => "1.1.4" config.gem "ruby-yadis", :lib => "yadis", :version => "0.3.4"

    config.after_initialize do

      ActionController::Base.send :include, OpenIdAuthentication


  • Added config.gem for specifying which gems are required by the application, as well as rake tasks for installing and freezing gems. [Rick Olson]

    Rails::Initializer.run do |config|

      config.gem "bj"
      config.gem "hpricot", :version => '0.6', :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net"
      config.gem "aws-s3", :lib => "aws/s3"


    # List required gems. rake gems

    # Install all required gems: rake gems:install

    # Unpack specified gem to vendor/gems/gem_name-x.x.x rake gems:unpack GEM=bj

  • Removed the default .htaccess configuration as there are so many good deployment options now (kept it as an example in README) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • config.time_zone accepts TZInfo::Timezone identifiers as well as Rails TimeZone identifiers [Geoff Buesing]
  • Rails::Initializer#initialize_time_zone raises an error if value assigned to config.time_zone is not recognized. Rake time zone tasks only require ActiveSupport instead of entire environment [Geoff Buesing]
  • Stop adding the antiquated test/mocks/* directories and only add them to the path if they‘re still there for legacy reasons [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added that gems can now be plugins if they include rails/init.rb 11444 [John Barnette]
  • Added Plugin#about method to programmatically access the about.yml in a plugin 10979 [James Adam]
      plugin = Rails::Plugin.new(path_to_my_plugin)
      plugin.about["author"] # => "James Adam"
      plugin.about["url"] # => "http://interblah.net"
  • Improve documentation. [Ryan Bigg, Jan De Poorter, Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier Shay, Jack Danger Canty, Emilio Tagua, Xavier Noria, Sunny Ripert]
  • Added config.time_zone = ‘UTC’ in the default environment.rb [Geoff Buesing]
  • Added rake tasks time:zones:all, time:zones:us and time:zones:local for finding time zone names for config.time_zone option [Geoff Buesing]
  • Add config.time_zone for configuring the default Time.zone value. 10982 [Geoff Buesing]
  • Added support for installing plugins hosted at git repositories 11294 [Jack Danger Canty]
  • Fixed that script/generate would not look for plugin generators in plugin_paths 11000 [glv]
  • Fixed database rake tasks to work with charset/collation and show proper error messages on failure. Closes 11301 [matt]
  • Added a -e/—export to script/plugin install, uses svn export. 10847 [jon@blankpad.net)]
  • Reshuffle load order so that routes and observers are initialized after plugins and app initializers. Closes 10980 [Rick Olson]
  • Git support for script/generate. 10690 [ssoroka]
  • Update scaffold to use labels instead of bold tags. Closes 10757 [zach-inglis-lt3]
  • Resurrect WordNet synonym lookups. 10710 [tom./, matt]
  • Added config.cache_store to environment options to control the default cache store (default is FileStore if tmp/cache is present, otherwise MemoryStore is used) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added that rails:update is run when you do rails:freeze:edge to ensure you also get the latest JS and config files 10565 [jeff]
  • SQLite: db:drop:all doesn‘t fail silently if the database is already open. 10577 [Cheah Chu Yeow, mrichman]
  • Introduce native mongrel handler and push mutex into dispatcher. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Ruby 1.9 compatibility. 1689, 10546 [Cheah Chu Yeow, frederico]

*2.0.2* (December 16th, 2007)

  • Changed the default database from mysql to sqlite3, so now running "rails myapp" will have a config/database.yml that‘s setup for SQLite3 (which in OS X Leopard is installed by default, so is the gem, so everything Just Works with no database configuration at all). To get a Rails application preconfigured for MySQL, just run "rails -d mysql myapp" [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Turned on ActionView::Base.cache_template_loading by default in config/environments/production.rb to prevent file system stat calls for every template loading to see if it changed (this means that you have to restart the application to see template changes in production mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Introduce `rake secret` to output a crytographically secure secret key for use with cookie sessions 10363 [revans]
  • Fixed that local database creation should consider local 9026 [parcelbrat]
  • Fixed that functional tests generated for scaffolds should use fixture calls instead of hard-coded IDs 10435 [boone]
  • Added db:migrate:redo and db:migrate:reset for rerunning existing migrations 10431, 10432 [matt]
  • RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be double-quoted also. 10443 [James Cox]
  • Update rails:freeze:gems to work with RubyGems 0.9.5. [Jeremy Kemper]

*2.0.1* (December 7th, 2007)

  • Fixed Active Record bug

*2.0.0* (December 6th, 2007)

  • The test task stops with a warning if you have pending migrations. 10377 [Josh Knowles]
  • Add warning to documentation about using transactional fixtures when the code under test uses transactions itself. Closes 7548 [Thijs van der Vossen]
  • Update Prototype to [sam]
  • Update script.aculo.us to [madrobby]
  • Added db:fixtures:identity as a way of locating what ID a foxy fixture was assigned 10332 [John Barnette]
  • Generated fixtures should not specify ids since theyre expected to be foxy fixtures 10330 [John Barnette]
  • Update to Prototype -r8232. [sam]
  • Introduce SecretKeyGenerator for more secure session secrets than CGI::Session‘s pseudo-random id generator. Consider extracting to Active Support later. 10286 [Hongli Lai (Phusion)]
  • RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be set to any valid gem version specifier. 10057 [Chad Woolley, Cheah Chu Yeow]
  • Load config/preinitializer.rb, if present, before loading the environment. 9943 [Chad Woolley]
  • FastCGI handler ignores unsupported signals like USR2 on Windows. [Grzegorz Derebecki]
  • Only load ActionMailer::TestCase if ActionMailer is loaded. Closes 10137 [defunkt]
  • Fixed that db:reset would use migrations instead of loading db/schema.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Ensure the plugin loader only loads plugins once. Closes 10102 [haruki_zaemon]
  • Refactor Plugin Loader. Add plugin lib paths early, and add lots of tests. Closes 9795 [James Adam]
  • Added —skip-timestamps to generators that produce models 10036 [Tim Pope]
  • Update Prototype to 1.6.0 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0. [sam, madrobby]
  • Added db:rollback to rollback the schema one version (or multiple as specified by STEP) [Jeffrey Allan Hardy]
  • Fix typo in test_helper. Closes 9925 [viktor tron]
  • Request profiler. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • config/boot.rb correctly detects RAILS_GEM_VERSION. 9834 [alexch, thewoolleyman]
  • Fixed incorrect migration number if script/generate executed outside of Rails root 7080 [Jeremy McAnally]
  • Update Prototype to 1.6.0_rc1 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0 preview 0. [sam, madrobby]
  • Generated fixtures use the actual primary key instead of id. 4343 [Frederick Ros, Tarmo Tänav]
  • Extend the console helper method to allow you to include custom helpers. e.g: >> helper :posts >> helper.some_method_from_posts_helper(Post.find(1))
  • db:create works with remote databases whereas db:create:all only creates

databases on localhost. 9753 [Trevor Wennblom]

  • Removed calls to fixtures in generated tests as fixtures :all is now present by default in test_helper.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Add —prefix option to script/server when using mongrel. [dacat]

*2.0.0 [Preview Release]* (September 29th, 2007) [Includes duplicates of changes from 1.1.4 - 1.2.3]

  • Fixed that installing plugins from SVN repositories that use trunk/ will work 8188 [evan]
  • Moved the SourceAnnotationExtractor to a separate file in case libraries try to load the rails rake tasks twice. [Rick Olson]
  • Moved Dispatcher to ActionController::Dispatcher. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Changed the default logger from Ruby‘s own Logger with the clean_logger extensions to ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger for performance reasons [David Heinemeier Hansson]. (You can change it back with config.logger = Logger.new("/path/to/log", level).)
  • Added a default 422.html page to be rendered when ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved, or ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken is raised [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added —skip-fixture option to script/generate model 6862 [sandofsky]
  • Print Rails version when starting console 7440 [eyematz]
  • Fixed the placement of fixture files for nested models when generating through script/generate model 7547 [jkit]
  • Added TEMPLATE option to rake doc:app to set a custom output template 7737 [Jakob Skjerning]
  • Added VERBOSE option to rake db:migrate to turn off output 8204 [John Barnette]
  • Fixed that rake doc:app should use UTF-8 8906 [farzy]
  • Fixes rake annotations to search erb and builder files as well 9150 [m.langenberg]
  • Removed web_service generator [Michael Koziarski]
  • Added the :all option to config.plugins that‘ll include the rest of the plugins not already explicitly named 9613 [Frederick Cheung]. Example:
      # Loads :classic_pagination before all the other plugins
      config.plugins = [ :classic_pagination, :all ]
  • Added symbols as a legal way of specifying plugins in config.plugins 9629 [tom]
  • Removed deprecated task names, like clear_logs, in favor of the new namespaced style [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Support multiple config.after_initialize blocks so plugins and apps can more easily cooperate. 9582 [Zach Dennis]
  • Added db:drop:all to drop all databases declared in config/database.yml [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Use attribute pairs instead of the migration name to create add and remove column migrations. Closes 9166 [Pratik Naik]
          For example:
          ruby script/generation migration AddSomeStuffToCustomers first_name:string last_name:string
          ruby script/generation migration RemoveSomeStuffFromCustomers first_name:string last_name:string
  • Add ActiveResource to Rails::Info. Closes 8741 [Chris Kampmeier]
  • use Gem.find_name instead of search when freezing gems. Prevent false positives for other gems with rails in the name. Closes 8729 [wselman]
  • Automatically generate add/remove column commands in specially named migrations like AddLocationToEvent. Closes 9006 [Ryan Davis]
  • Default to plural table name in Rails Generator if ActiveRecord is not present. Closes 8963 [evan]
  • Added rake routes for listing all the defined routes in the system. 8795 [Josh Peek]
  • db:create creates the database for the current environment if it‘s on localhost. db:create:all creates local databases for all environments. 8783 [matt]
  • Generators: look for generators in all gems, not just those suffixed with _generator, in the gem‘s generators or rails_generators directory. Allow use of the rails_generators directory instead of the standard generators directory in plugins also. 8730 [Dr Nic, topfunky]
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL: database.yml defaults to utf-8. 8701 [matt]
  • Added db:version to get the current schema number [via Err The Blog]
  • Added —skip-migration option to scaffold and resource generators 8656 [Michael Glaesemann]
  • Fix that FCGIs would leave log files open when asked to shut down by USR2. 3028 [Sebastian Kanthak, Josh Peek]
  • Fixed that dispatcher preparation callbacks only run once in production mode. Mock Routes.reload so that dispatcher preparation callback tests run. [Rick Olson]
  • Fix syntax error in dispatcher than wrecked failsafe responses. 8625 [mtitorenko]
  • Scaffolded validation errors set the appropriate HTTP status for XML responses. 6946, 8622 [Manfred Stienstra, mmmultiworks]
  • Sexy migrations for the session_migration generator. 8561 [Vladislav]
  • Console reload! runs to_prepare callbacks also. 8393 [f.svehla]
  • Generated migrations include timestamps by default. 8501 [Shane Vitarana]
  • Drop Action Web Service from rails:freeze:edge. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Add db:create, drop, reset, charset, and collation tasks. 8448 [matt]
  • Scaffold generator depends on model generator instead of duplicating it. 7222 [bscofield]
  • Scaffold generator tests. 8443 [pelle]
  • Generated scaffold functional tests use assert_difference. 8421 [Norbert Crombach]
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.1. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Update to script.aculo.us 1.7.1_beta3. [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Generators use *.html.erb view template naming. 8278 [Tim Pope]
  • Updated resource_scaffold and model generators to use short-hand style migrations [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Updated initializer to only load #{RAILS_ENV}.rb once. Added deprecation warning for config.breakpoint_server. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Removed breakpointer and Binding.of_caller in favor of relying on ruby-debug by Kent Sibilev since the breakpointer has been broken since Ruby 1.8.4 and will not be coming back [David Heinemeier Hansson]

    To use the new debugger, start your server with script/server —debugger and insert a call to ‘debugger’ (instead of ‘breakpoint’) where you want to jump into the debugger.

    BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBILITY NOTE: You must remove the default line 12 from config/environments/development.rb:

      config.breakpoint_server = true

    This configuration option is no longer available. Rails will fail to start in development mode as long as that‘s still present.

  • Resource scaffolding returns the created entity.to_xml. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Resource scaffolding responds to new.xml. 8185 [Eric Mill]
  • Include Active Resource in rails:freeze:edge rake task. [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Include Active Resource instead of Action Web Service [David Heinemeier Hansson] You can add AWS back with this in config/environment.rb:
      config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionwebservice/lib )

    …or just gem ‘actionwebservice‘

  • Give generate scaffold a more descriptive database message. Closes 7316 [Jeremy McAnally]
  • Canonicalize RAILS_ROOT by using File.expand_path on Windows, which doesn‘t have to worry about symlinks, and Pathname#realpath elsewhere, which respects symlinks in relative paths but is incompatible with Windows. 6755 [Jeremy Kemper, trevor]
  • Deprecation: remove components from controller paths. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Add environment variable RAILS_DEFAULT_DATABASE, which allows the builtin default of ‘mysql’ to be overridden. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. 2982 [okkez000@gmail.com, Kaspar Schiess]
  • Split out the basic plugin locator functionality into an abstract super class. Add a FileSystemLocator to do the job of checking the plugin_paths for plugins. Add plugin_locators configuration option which will iterate over the set of plugin locators and load each of the plugin loaders they return. Rename locater everywhere to locator. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Split plugin location and loading out of the initializer and into a new Plugin namespace, which includes Plugin::Locater and Plugin::Loader. The loader class that is used can be customized using the config.plugin_loader option. Those monkey patching the plugin loading subsystem take note, the internals changing here will likely break your modifications. The good news is that it should be substantially easier to hook into the plugin locating and loading process now. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Added assumption that all plugin creators desire to be sharing individuals and release their work under the MIT license [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added source-annotations extractor tasks to rake [Jamis Buck]. This allows you to add FIXME, OPTIMIZE, and TODO comments to your source code that can then be extracted in concert with rake notes (shows all), rake notes:fixme, rake notes:optimize and rake notes:todo.
  • Added fixtures :all to test_helper.rb to assume that most people just want all their fixtures loaded all the time [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added config/initializers where all ruby files within it are automatically loaded after the Rails configuration is done, so you don‘t have to litter the environment.rb file with a ton of mixed stuff [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • For new apps, generate a random secret for the cookie-based session store. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Stop swallowing errors during rake test [Michael Koziarski]
  • Update Rails Initializer to use ActionController::Base#view_paths [Rick Olson]
  • Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending on RubyGems 0.9.0+ [Chad Fowler]
  • Plugins may be symlinked in vendor/plugins. 4245 [brandon, progrium@gmail.com]
  • Resource generator depends on the model generator rather than duplicating it. 7269 [bscofield]
  • Add/Update usage documentation for script/destroy, resource generator and scaffold_resource generator. Closes 7092, 7271, 7267. [bscofield]
  • Update to script.aculo.us 1.7.0. [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. 7015 [alfeld]
  • Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang connection 4156 [psross]
  • Ensure plugins are in the Dependencies.load_once_paths collection by default. [Rick Olson] If you really want your plugins to reload, add this to the very top of init.rb:
  • Allow config.to_prepare to work, make the dispatcher safe to ‘re require’. [Michael Koziarski, Nicholas Seckar]
  • Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the —pretend argument when creating the routes file. Closes 6852 [fearoffish]
  • Fix Webrick Daemon dispatching bug regarding a bad current working directory. Closes 4899 [Rick Olson]
  • Make config.plugins affect the load path and the dependencies system. Allows you to control plugin loading order, and keep disabled plugins off the load path. [James Adam]
  • Don‘t generate a components directory in new Rails apps. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongrel including in -r (daemonize mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added one-letter aliases for the three default environments to script/console, so script/console p will load the production environment (t for test, d for development) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should tail the proper log regardless of the environment [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Update initializer to load Rails::VERSION as soon as possible. Closes 6698. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in development mode so the database connection is not carried over from request to request. Some databases won‘t reread the schema if that doesn‘t happen (I‘m looking at you SQLite), so you have to restart the server after each migration (= no fun) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specifying 1.1.6 will give you if available [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Update to Prototype and script.aculo.us [5579]. [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Made script/server work with -e and -d when using Mongrel [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc2 [5550] which makes it work in Opera again [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Make sure that exceptions which are thrown outside of the user code try their best to be handeled in ApplicationController#rescue_action [Tobias Lütke]
  • Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available without having to require ‘rails/version’. 6244 [fearoffish]
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc2. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Add grep-based fallback to reaper, to work in pidless setups [Jamis Buck]
  • Only wrap request processing with our USR1 signal handler so FastCGI can trap it and raise an exception while waiting for connections. Idle processes exit immediately rather than waiting for another request; active processes gracefully exit when the request is finished. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Alter prior change to use require_dependency instead of require_or_load. Causes ApplicationController to be reloaded again. Closes 6587. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so they may be run outside of RAILS_ROOT. 6584 [jchris]
  • Remove temporary crutch to help ApplicationController be unloaded. Closes 6496. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and head instead of render :nothing => true. 6545 [Josh Susser]
  • Generator can show diff on file collision to help you decide whether to skip or overwrite. 6364 [jeffw, Jeremy Kemper]
  • Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mkdir -p. 6416 [NeilW]
  • resource and scaffold_resource generators add a restful route to config/routes.rb [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Revert environment changes for autoload_paths. [Michael Koziarski]
  • Update to latest Prototype, which doesn‘t serialize disabled form elements, adds clone() to arrays, empty/non-string Element.update() and adds a fixes excessive error reporting in WebKit beta versions [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Clean up the output of rake stats, de-emphasise components and apis, and remove the indents for tests [Michael Koziarski]
  • Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the binding address 5133 [Dee Zsombor]
  • Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoload_paths. Closes 6478 [caio]
  • Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality. Closes 6480. [Bob Silva]
  • Plugin generator: check for class collisions. 4833 [vinbarnes@gmail.com]
  • Mailer generator: handle mailers in modules, set mime_version in unit test. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Set $KCODE to ‘u’ by default to enable the multibyte safe String#chars proxy. [Michael Koziarski]
  • Added config.plugins to control which plugins are loaded 6269 [Stefan Kaes]. By default, everything in vendor/plugins will be loaded, but if you specify config.plugins, only those will be loaded. Example:
      config.plugins = %w[ routing_navigator simply_helpful ]
  • Clean up html on included error pages. [Tim Lucas]
  • Fixed default 404.html and 500.htmls to remove extreme ugliness and include human language [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Update to latest Prototype and script.aculo.us trunk versions [Thomas Fuchs]
  • PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connections first. 6236 [alex]
  • Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) 4999 [paul@paulbutcher.com]
  • Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models, so script/generate model Gallery::Image will use create_table :gallery_images 6327 [Bob Silva]
  • Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined 5942 [brandon@opensoul.org]
  • Added default timeout setting of 5 seconds to SQLite3 database.yml configurations [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added generated attribute options to script/generate model, like the one found in scaffold_resource and resource [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
      ./script/generate model post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean
  • Added script/generate resource which works just like scaffold_resource, but creates empty placeholders instead of predefined [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be used as a shebang. 6286 [Tuxie, dlpond]
      #!/usr/bin/env /path/to/my/app/script/runner
      # Example: just start using your models as if you are in script/console
      Product.find(:all).each { |product| product.check_inventory }
  • Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. 6259 [obrie]
  • Added map.connect ’:controller/:action/:id.:format’ as a default route to config/routes.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Updated prototype.js to 1.5.0_rc1 with latest fixes. [Rick Olson]
    • XPATH support
    • Make Form.getElements() return elements in the correct order
    • fix broken Form.serialize return
  • session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at. 6207 [grg]
  • script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. 6204 [jonathan]
  • Fix script/console —sandbox for internal transactions changes. 5738 [Chris McGrath, charles.gerungan@gmail.com]
  • Remove the uncanny default of adding all app/models/*/ directories to the load path. This change will break application which expect the current behavior. As

documented in initializer.rb, the workaround is:

  config.autoload_paths += Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/app/models/*/']

References 6031. [Nicholas Seckar]

  • Update to script.aculo.us 1.6.3 [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 [sam]
  • Formally Deprecate the old rake tasks. [Michael Koziarski]
  • Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. 5970 [Kevin Clark]
  • Remove Dir.chdir in the Webrick DispatchServlet#initialize method. Fix bad path errors when trying to load config/routes.rb. [Rick Olson]
  • Tighten rescue clauses. 5985 [james@grayproductions.net]
  • Cleaning up tests. [Kevin Clark, Jeremy Kemper]
  • Add Dependencies.load_once_paths. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Updated to script.aculo.us 1.6.2 [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Assign Routing.controller_paths; fix script/about and rails info controller. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Don‘t warn dispatcher of Reloadable deprecations. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Rearrange application resetting and preparation, fix bug with leaking subclasses hash in ActiveRecord::Base [Rick Olson]

    ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses is called before Dependencies are cleared and classes removed. ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers is called during a Dispatcher preparation callback.

  • Add missing mock directories from the autoload_paths configuration. [Rick Olson]
  • Nested controller scaffolding also nests the generated layout. [iain d broadfoot]
  • Add "require ‘dispatcher’" to webrick server in the continuing quest to squash webrick weirdness. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Add autoload_paths support to Initializer. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Fix Dispatcher.reset_application! so that AR subclasses are removed and Observers re-initialized after Reloadable classes are removed. Closes 5743. [Rick Olson]
  • Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes 5344. [James Adam]
  • Add Dispatcher.to_prepare and config.to_prepare to provide a pre-request hook. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Tweak the Rails load order so observers are loaded after plugins, and reloaded in development mode. Closed 5279. [Rick Olson]
  • Added that you can change the web server port in config/lighttpd.conf from script/server —port/-p 5465 [mats@imediatec.co.uk]
  • script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new ruby-prof, including an option to choose the results printer. 5679 [Shugo Maeda]
  • Fixed the failsafe response so it uses either the current recognized controller or ApplicationController. [Rick Olson]
  • Make sure script/reaper only reaps dispatcher pids by default, and not the spawner‘s pid. [Jamis Buck]
  • Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not meta.yml. [James Adam]
  • Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same controller that processed the request. 4625 [sd@notso.net]
  • rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontbase database.yml. 4945 [mlaster@metavillage.com]
  • Ensure the logger is initialized. 5629 [mike@clarkware.com]
  • Added Mongrel-spawning capabilities to script/process/spawner. Mongrel will be the default choice if installed, otherwise FCGI is tried [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
      spawner               # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using Mongrel if available
      spawner fcgi          # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using FCGI
      spawner mongrel -i 5  # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel
      spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109 using Mongrel if available
      spawner -p 9100 -r 5  # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to 9102 and attempts start them every 5 seconds

    Also note that script/process/reaper is Mongrel capable. So the combination of spawner and reaper is a built-in alternative to something like mongrel_cluster.

  • Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people(:first) instead of :id => 1. 5612 [evan@protest.net]
  • db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloading the schema. 5607 [sveit@tradeharbor.com]
  • Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLController 5197 [brad@madriska.com]
  • Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoints to make it easier to get context 5476 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]. Examples:
      irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):002:0> show_source_list
      0001  class TopController < ApplicationController
      0002    def show
      0003->    breakpoint
      0004    end
      0006    def index
      0007    end
      => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb"
      irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):004:0> show_call_stack 3
      vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
      vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
      app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3:in `show'
      => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3"
  • Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to its module nesting. 5511 [nils@alumni.rice.edu]
  • Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does with lighttpd. Prefer mongrel over lighttpd. 5541 [mike@clarkware.com]
  • Don‘t assume Active Record is available. 5497 [bob@sporkmonger.com]
  • Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. 5499 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
  • Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash assignment. Closes 4440. [Nick Sieger]
  • Mongrel support for script/server. 5475 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
  • Fix script/plugin so it doesn‘t barf on invalid URLs [Rick Olson]
  • Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes 5359) [Yoshimasa NIWA]
  • Fix bug with ‘script/plugin install’ so it reports unknown plugin names correctly. [Rick Olson]
  • Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that plugins have a way of removing assets and other artifacts on removal 5003 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]
  • Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when running script/server 5014 [elliot@townx.org]
  • Minor tweak to dispatcher to use recognize instead of recognize!, as per the new routes. [Jamis Buck]
  • Make "script/plugin install" work with svn+ssh URLs. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Added lib/ to the directories that will get application docs generated [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Add observer generator. Closes 5167. [François Beausoleil]
  • Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names. 5145 [James Adam]
  • rake test:recent understands subdirectories. 2925 [jerrett@bravenet.com]
  • The app generator detects the XAMPP package‘s MySQL socket location. 3832 [elliot@townx.org]
  • The app generator sets a session key in application.rb so apps running on the same host may distinguish their cookies. 2967 [rcoder, rails-bug@owl.me.uk]
  • Distinguish the spawners for different processes [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added -n/—process to script/process/spawner name the process pid (default is dispatch) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does not clash with any others. (fixes 4911) [Julian Tarkhanov]
  • Replace Ruby‘s deprecated append_features in favor of included. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Added script/process/inspector to do simple process status information on Rails dispatchers keeping pid files in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added pid file usage to script/process/spawner and script/process/reaper along with a directive in default config/lighttpd.conf file to record the pid. They will all save their pid file in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]

*1.2.3* (March 12th, 2007)

  • Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility
  • Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. 2982 [okkez000@gmail.com, Kaspar Schiess]
  • Stop swallowing errors during rake test [Michael Koziarski]

*1.2.2* (February 5th, 2007)

  • Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending on RubyGems 0.9.0+ [Chad Fowler]
  • Require the dispatcher for Rails::Configuration#to_prepare. [Rick Olson]

*1.2.1* (January 16th, 2007)

  • Updated to Active Record 1.15.1, Action Pack 1.13.1, Action Mailer 1.3.1, Action Web Service 1.2.1

*1.2.0* (January 16th, 2007)

  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. 7015 [alfeld]
  • Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang connection 4156 [psross]
  • Ensure plugins are in the Dependencies.load_once_paths collection by default. [Rick Olson] If you really want your plugins to reload, add this to the very top of init.rb:
  • Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the —pretend argument when creating the routes file. Closes 6852 [fearoffish]
  • Fix Webrick Daemon dispatching bug regarding a bad current working directory. Closes 4899 [Rick Olson]
  • Make config.plugins affect the load path and the dependencies system. Allows you to control plugin loading order, and keep disabled plugins off the load path. [James Adam]
  • Don‘t generate a components directory in new Rails apps. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongrel including in -r (daemonize mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Deprecated the name route "root" as it‘ll be used as a shortcut for map.connect ’’ in Rails 2.0 [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should tail the proper log regardless of the environment [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Update initializer to load Rails::VERSION as soon as possible. Closes 6698. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in development mode so the database connection is not carried over from request to request. Some databases won‘t reread the schema if that doesn‘t happen (I‘m looking at you SQLite), so you have to restart the server after each migration (= no fun) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specifying 1.1.6 will give you if available [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Update to Prototype and script.aculo.us [5579]. [Sam Stephenson, Thomas Fuchs]
  • Made script/server work with -e and -d when using Mongrel [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Make sure that exceptions which are thrown outside of the user code try their best to be handeled in ApplicationController#rescue_action [Tobias Lütke]
  • Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available without having to require ‘rails/version’. 6244 [fearoffish]
  • Add grep-based fallback to reaper, to work in pidless setups [Jamis Buck]
  • Only wrap request processing with our USR1 signal handler so FastCGI can trap it and raise an exception while waiting for connections. Idle processes exit immediately rather than waiting for another request; active processes gracefully exit when the request is finished. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Alter prior change to use require_dependency instead of require_or_load. Causes ApplicationController to be reloaded again. Closes 6587. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so they may be run outside of RAILS_ROOT. 6584 [jchris]
  • scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and head instead of render :nothing => true. 6545 [Josh Susser]
  • Generator can show diff on file collision to help you decide whether to skip or overwrite. 6364 [jeffw, Jeremy Kemper]
  • Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mkdir -p. 6416 [NeilW]
  • resource and scaffold_resource generators add a restful route to config/routes.rb [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Revert environment changes for autoload_paths. [Michael Koziarski]
  • Clean up the output of rake stats, de-emphasise components and apis, and remove the indents for tests [Michael Koziarski]
  • Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the binding address 5133 [Dee Zsombor]
  • Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoload_paths. Closes 6478 [caio]
  • Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality. Closes 6480. [Bob Silva]
  • Plugin generator: check for class collisions. 4833 [vinbarnes@gmail.com]
  • Mailer generator: handle mailers in modules, set mime_version in unit test. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Set $KCODE to ‘u’ by default to enable the multibyte safe String#chars proxy. [Michael Koziarski]
  • Added config.plugins to control which plugins are loaded 6269 [Stefan Kaes]. By default, everything in vendor/plugins will be loaded, but if you specify config.plugins, only those will be loaded. Example:
      config.plugins = %w[ routing_navigator simply_helpful ]
  • Clean up html on included error pages. [Tim Lucas]
  • Fixed default 404.html and 500.htmls to remove extreme ugliness and include human language [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Update to latest Prototype and script.aculo.us trunk versions [Thomas Fuchs]
  • PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connections first. 6236 [alex]
  • Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) 4999 [paul@paulbutcher.com]
  • Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models, so script/generate model Gallery::Image will use create_table :gallery_images 6327 [Bob Silva]
  • Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined 5942 [brandon@opensoul.org]
  • Added default timeout setting of 5 seconds to SQLite3 database.yml configurations [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added generated attribute options to script/generate model, like the one found in scaffold_resource and resource [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
      ./script/generate model post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean
  • Added script/generate resource which works just like scaffold_resource, but creates empty placeholders instead of predefined [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be used as a shebang. 6286 [Tuxie, dlpond]
      #!/usr/bin/env /path/to/my/app/script/runner
      # Example: just start using your models as if you are in script/console
      Product.find(:all).each { |product| product.check_inventory }
  • Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. 6259 [obrie]
  • Added map.connect ’:controller/:action/:id.:format’ as a default route to config/routes.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at. 6207 [grg]
  • script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. 6204 [jonathan]
  • Fix script/console —sandbox for internal transactions changes. 5738 [Chris McGrath, charles.gerungan@gmail.com]
  • Remove the uncanny default of adding all app/models/*/ directories to the load path. This change will break application which expect the current behavior. As

documented in initializer.rb, the workaround is:

  config.autoload_paths += Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/app/models/*/']

References 6031. [Nicholas Seckar]

  • Update to script.aculo.us 1.6.3 [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Formally Deprecate the old rake tasks. [Michael Koziarski]
  • Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. 5970 [Kevin Clark]
  • Remove Dir.chdir in the Webrick DispatchServlet#initialize method. Fix bad path errors when trying to load config/routes.rb. [Rick Olson]
  • Tighten rescue clauses. 5985 [james@grayproductions.net]
  • Cleaning up tests. [Kevin Clark, Jeremy Kemper]
  • Add Dependencies.load_once_paths. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Assign Routing.controller_paths; fix script/about and rails info controller. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Don‘t warn dispatcher of Reloadable deprecations. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Rearrange application resetting and preparation, fix bug with leaking subclasses hash in ActiveRecord::Base [Rick Olson]

    ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses is called before Dependencies are cleared and classes removed. ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers is called during a Dispatcher preparation callback.

  • Add missing mock directories from the autoload_paths configuration. [Rick Olson]
  • Nested controller scaffolding also nests the generated layout. [iain d broadfoot]
  • Add "require ‘dispatcher’" to webrick server in the continuing quest to squash webrick weirdness. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Add autoload_paths support to Initializer. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Fix Dispatcher.reset_application! so that AR subclasses are removed and Observers re-initialized after Reloadable classes are removed. Closes 5743. [Rick Olson]
  • Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes 5344. [James Adam]
  • Add Dispatcher.to_prepare and config.to_prepare to provide a pre-request hook. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Tweak the Rails load order so observers are loaded after plugins, and reloaded in development mode. Closed 5279. [Rick Olson]
  • Added that you can change the web server port in config/lighttpd.conf from script/server —port/-p 5465 [mats@imediatec.co.uk]
  • script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new ruby-prof, including an option to choose the results printer. 5679 [Shugo Maeda]
  • Fixed the failsafe response so it uses either the current recognized controller or ApplicationController. [Rick Olson]
  • Make sure script/reaper only reaps dispatcher pids by default, and not the spawner‘s pid. [Jamis Buck]
  • Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not meta.yml. [James Adam]
  • Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same controller that processed the request. 4625 [sd@notso.net]
  • rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontbase database.yml. 4945 [mlaster@metavillage.com]
  • Ensure the logger is initialized. 5629 [mike@clarkware.com]
  • Added Mongrel-spawning capabilities to script/process/spawner. Mongrel will be the default choice if installed, otherwise FCGI is tried [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
      spawner               # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using Mongrel if available
      spawner fcgi          # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using FCGI
      spawner mongrel -i 5  # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel
      spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109 using Mongrel if available
      spawner -p 9100 -r 5  # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to 9102 and attempts start them every 5 seconds

    Also note that script/process/reaper is Mongrel capable. So the combination of spawner and reaper is a built-in alternative to something like mongrel_cluster.

  • Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people(:first) instead of :id => 1. 5612 [evan@protest.net]
  • db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloading the schema. 5607 [sveit@tradeharbor.com]
  • Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLController 5197 [brad@madriska.com]
  • Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoints to make it easier to get context 5476 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]. Examples:
      irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):002:0> show_source_list
      0001  class TopController < ApplicationController
      0002    def show
      0003->    breakpoint
      0004    end
      0006    def index
      0007    end
      => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb"
      irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):004:0> show_call_stack 3
      vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
      vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
      app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3:in `show'
      => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3"
  • Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to its module nesting. 5511 [nils@alumni.rice.edu]
  • Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does with lighttpd. Prefer mongrel over lighttpd. 5541 [mike@clarkware.com]
  • Don‘t assume Active Record is available. 5497 [bob@sporkmonger.com]
  • Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. 5499 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
  • Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash assignment. Closes 4440. [Nick Sieger]
  • Mongrel support for script/server. 5475 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
  • Fix script/plugin so it doesn‘t barf on invalid URLs [Rick Olson]
  • Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes 5359) [Yoshimasa NIWA]
  • Fix bug with ‘script/plugin install’ so it reports unknown plugin names correctly. [Rick Olson]
  • Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that plugins have a way of removing assets and other artifacts on removal 5003 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]
  • Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when running script/server 5014 [elliot@townx.org]
  • Minor tweak to dispatcher to use recognize instead of recognize!, as per the new routes. [Jamis Buck]
  • Make "script/plugin install" work with svn+ssh URLs. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Added lib/ to the directories that will get application docs generated [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Add observer generator. Closes 5167. [François Beausoleil]
  • Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names. 5145 [James Adam]
  • rake test:recent understands subdirectories. 2925 [jerrett@bravenet.com]
  • The app generator detects the XAMPP package‘s MySQL socket location. 3832 [elliot@townx.org]
  • The app generator sets a session key in application.rb so apps running on the same host may distinguish their cookies. 2967 [rcoder, rails-bug@owl.me.uk]
  • Distinguish the spawners for different processes [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added -n/—process to script/process/spawner name the process pid (default is dispatch) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does not clash with any others. (fixes 4911) [Julian Tarkhanov]
  • Replace Ruby‘s deprecated append_features in favor of included. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Added script/process/inspector to do simple process status information on Rails dispatchers keeping pid files in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added pid file usage to script/process/spawner and script/process/reaper along with a directive in default config/lighttpd.conf file to record the pid. They will all save their pid file in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]

*1.1.6* (August 10th, 2006)

  • Additional security patch

*1.1.5* (August 8th, 2006)

  • Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn‘t work when getting Rails via Gems. 4857 [Alisdair McDiarmid]
  • Change the scaffolding layout to use yield rather than @content_for_layout. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Includes critical security patch

*1.1.4* (June 29th, 2006)

  • Remove use of opts.on { |options[:name] } style hash assignment. References 4440. [headius@headius.com]
  • Updated to Action Pack 1.12.3, ActionWebService 1.1.4, ActionMailer 1.2.3

*1.1.3* (June 27th, 2006)

  • Updated to Active Record 1.14.3, Action Pack 1.12.2, ActionWebService 1.1.3, ActionMailer 1.2.2

*1.1.2* (April 9th, 2006)

  • Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn‘t work when getting Rails via Gems. Closes 4857. [Alisdair McDiarmid]
  • Change the scaffolding layout to use yield rather than @content_for_layout. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Added rake rails:update:configs to update config/boot.rb from the latest (also included in rake rails:update) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Fixed that boot.rb would set RAILS_GEM_VERSION twice, not respect an uncommented RAILS_GEM_VERSION line, and not use require_gem [David Heinemeier Hansson]

*1.1.1* (April 6th, 2006)

  • Enhances plugin#discover allowing it to discover svn:// like URIs (closes 4565) [ruben.nine@gmail.com]
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc0 [Sam Stephenson]
  • Fixed that the -r/—ruby path option of the rails command was not being respected 4549 [ryan.raaum@gmail.com]
  • Added that Dispatcher exceptions should not be shown to the user unless a default log has not been configured. Instead show public/500.html [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Fixed that rake clone_structure_to_test should quit on pgsql if the dump is unsuccesful 4585 [augustz@augustz.com]
  • Fixed that rails —version should have the return code of 0 (success) 4560 [blair@orcaware.com]
  • Install alias so Rails::InfoController is accessible at /rails_info. Closes 4546. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Fixed that spawner should daemonize if running in repeat mode [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added TAG option for rake rails:freeze:edge, so you can say rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-0 to lock to the 1.1.0 release [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Applied Prototype $() performance patches (4465, 4477) and updated script.aculo.us [Sam Stephenson, Thomas Fuchs]
  • Use —simple-prompt instead of —prompt-mode simple for console compatibility with Windows/Ruby 1.8.2 4532 [starr@starrnhorne.com]
  • Make Rails::VERSION implicitly loadable 4491. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Fixed rake rails:freeze:gems 4518 [benji@silverinsanity.com]
  • Added -f/—freeze option to rails command for freezing the application to the Rails version it was generated with [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added gem binding of apps generated through the rails command to the gems of they were generated with [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Added expiration settings for JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and images to default lighttpd.conf [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added gzip compression for JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to default lighttpd.conf [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Avoid passing escapeHTML non-string in Rails’ info controller [Nicholas Seckar]

*1.1.0* (March 27th, 2006)

  • Allow db:fixtures:load to load a subset of the applications fixtures. [Chad Fowler]


     rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=customers,plans
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre1 [Sam Stephenson]
  • Update to script.aculo.us 1.6 [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Add an integration_test generator [Jamis Buck]
  • Make all ActionView helpers available in the console from the helper method for debugging purposes. n.b.: Only an 80% solution. Some stuff won‘t work, most will. [Marcel Molina Jr.]


      >> puts helper.options_for_select([%w(a 1), %w(b 2), %w(c 3)])
      <option value="1">a</option>
      <option value="2">b</option>
      <option value="3">c</option>
      => nil
  • Replaced old session rake tasks with db:sessions:create to generate a migration, and db:sessions:clear to remove sessions. [Rick Olson]
  • Reject Ruby 1.8.3 when loading Rails; extract version checking code. [Chad Fowler]
  • Remove explicit loading of RailsInfo and RailsInfoController. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Move RailsInfo and RailsInfoController to Rails::Info and Rails::InfoController. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Extend load path with Railties’ builtin directory to make adding support code easy. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Fix the rails_info controller by explicitly loading it, and marking it as not reloadable. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Fixed rails:freeze:gems for Windows 3274 [paul@paulbutcher.com]
  • Added ‘port open?’ check to the spawner when running in repeat mode so we don‘t needlessly boot the dispatcher if the port is already in use anyway 4089 [guy.naor@famundo.com]
  • Add verification to generated scaffolds, don‘t allow get for unsafe actions [Michael Koziarski]
  • Don‘t replace application.js in public/javascripts if it already exists [Cody Fauser]
  • Change test:uncommitted to delay execution of `svn status` by using internal Rake API‘s. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Use require_library_or_gem to load rake in commands/server.rb. Closes 4205. [rob.rasmussen@gmail.com]
  • Use the Rake API instead of shelling out to create the tmp directory in commands/server.rb. [Chad Fowler]
  • Added a backtrace to the evil WSOD (White Screen of Death). Closes 4073. TODO: Clearer exceptions [Rick Olson]
  • Added tracking of database and framework versions in script/about 4088 [charles.gerungan@gmail.com/Rick Olson]
  • Added public/javascripts/application.js as a sample since it‘ll automatically be included in javascript_include_tag :defaults [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added socket cleanup for lighttpd, both before and after [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added automatic creation of tmp/ when running script/server [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added silence_stream that‘ll work on both STDERR or STDOUT or any other stream and deprecated silence_stderr in the process [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added reload! method to script/console to reload all models and others that include Reloadable without quitting the console 4056 [esad@esse.at]
  • Added that rake rails:freeze:edge will now just export all the contents of the frameworks instead of just lib, so stuff like rails:update:scripts, rails:update:javascripts, and script/server on lighttpd still just works 4047 [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added fix for upload problems with lighttpd from Safari/IE to config/lighttpd.conf 3999 [Thijs van der Vossen]
  • Added test:uncommitted to test changes since last checkin to Subversion 4035 [technomancy@gmail.com]
  • Help script/about print the correct svn revision when in a non-English locale. 4026 [babie7a0@ybb.ne.jp]
  • Add ‘app’ accessor to script/console as an instance of Integration::Session [Jamis Buck]
  • Generator::Base#usage takes an optional message argument which defaults to Generator::Base#usage_message. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Remove the extraneous AR::Base.threaded_connections setting from the webrick server. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Add integration test support to app generation and testing [Jamis Buck]
  • Added namespaces to all tasks, so for example load_fixtures is now db:fixtures:load. All the old task names are still valid, they just point to the new namespaced names. "rake -T" will only show the namespaced ones, though [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • CHANGED DEFAULT: ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format is now :ruby by default instead of :sql. This means that we‘ll assume you want to live in the world of db/schema.rb where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. If your schema contains un-dumpable elements, such as constraints or database-specific column types, you just got an invitation to either 1) patch the dumper to include foreign key support, 2) stop being db specific, or 3) just change the default in config/environment.rb to config.active_record.schema_format = :sql — we even include an example for that on new Rails skeletons now. Brought to you by the federation of opinionated framework builders! [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added -r/—repeat option to script/process/spawner that offers the same loop protection as the spinner did. This deprecates the script/process/spinner, so it‘s no longer included in the default Rails skeleton, but still available for backwards compatibility 3461 [ror@andreas-s.net]
  • Added collision option to template generation in generators 3329 [anna@wota.jp]. Examples:
      m.template "stuff.config" , "config/stuff.config" , :collision => :skip
      m.template "auto-stamping", "config/generator.log", :collision => :force
  • Added more information to script/plugin‘s doings to ease debugging 3755 [Rick Olson]
  • Changed the default configuration for lighttpd to use tmp/sockets instead of log/ for the FastCGI sockets [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added a default configuration of the FileStore for fragment caching if tmp/cache is available, which makes action/fragment caching ready to use out of the box with no additional configuration [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Changed the default session configuration to place sessions in tmp/sessions, if that directory is available, instead of /tmp (this essentially means a goodbye to 9/10 White Screen of Death errors and should have web hosting firms around the world cheering) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added tmp/sessions, tmp/cache, and tmp/sockets as default directories in the Rails skeleton [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added that script/generate model will now automatically create a migration file for the model created. This can be turned off by calling the generator with —skip-migration [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added -d/—database option to the rails command, so you can do "rails —database=sqlite2 myapp" to start a new application preconfigured to use SQLite2 as the database. Removed the configuration examples from SQLite and PostgreSQL from the default MySQL configuration [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Allow script/server -c /path/to/lighttpd.conf [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Remove hardcoded path to reaper script in script/server [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Update script.aculo.us to V1.5.3 [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Added SIGTRAP signal handler to RailsFCGIHandler that‘ll force the process into a breakpoint after the next request. This breakpoint can then be caught with script/breakpointer and give you access to the Ruby image inside that process. Useful for debugging memory leaks among other things [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Changed default lighttpd.conf to use CWD from lighttpd 1.4.10 that allows the same configuration to be used for both detach and not. Also ensured that auto-repeaping of FCGIs only happens when lighttpd is not detached. [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added Configuration#after_initialize for registering a block which gets called after the framework is fully initialized. Useful for things like per-environment configuration of plugins. [Michael Koziarski]
  • Added check for RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT constant that allows the Rails framework to be found in a different place than vendor/rails. Should be set in boot.rb. [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Fixed that static requests could unlock the mutex guarding dynamic requests in the WEBrick servlet 3433 [tom@craz8.com]
  • Fixed documentation tasks to work with Rake 0.7.0 3563 [kazuhiko@fdiary.net]
  • Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre0 [Sam Stephenson]
  • Sort the list of plugins so we load in a consistent order [Rick Olson]
  • Show usage when script/plugin is called without arguments [tom@craz8.com]
  • Corrected problems with plugin loader where plugins set ‘name’ incorrectly 3297 [anna@wota.jp]
  • Make migration generator only report on exact duplicate names, not partial dupliate names. 3442 [jeremy@planetargon.com Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Fix typo in mailer generator USAGE. 3458 [chriztian.steinmeier@gmail.com]
  • Ignore version mismatch between pg_dump and the database server. 3457 [Simon Stapleton]
  • Reap FCGI processes after lighttpd exits. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Honor ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names when creating and destroying session store table. 3204. [rails@bencurtis.com, Marcel Molina Jr.]

*1.0.0* (December 13th, 2005)

  • Update instructions on how to find and install generators. 3172. [Chad Fowler]
  • Generator looks in vendor/generators also. [Chad Fowler]
  • Generator copies files in binary mode. 3156 [minimudboy@gmail.com]
  • Add builtin/ to the gemspec. Closes 3047. [Nicholas Seckar, Sam Stephenson]
  • Add install.rb file to plugin generation which is loaded, if it exists, when you install a plugin. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Run initialize_logger in script/lighttpd to ensure the log file exists before tailing it. [Sam Stephenson]
  • Make load_fixtures include csv fixtures. 3053. [me@mdaines.com]
  • Fix freeze_gems so that the latest rails version is dumped by default. [Nicholas Seckar]
  • script/plugin: handle root paths and plugin names which contain spaces. 2995 [justin@aspect.net]
  • Model generator: correct relative path to test_helper in unit test. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Make the db_schema_dump task honor the SCHEMA environment variable if present the way db_schema_import does. 2931. [Blair Zajac]
  • Have the lighttpd server script report the actual ip to which the server is bound. 2903. [Adam]
  • Add plugin library directories to the load path after the lib directory so that libraries in the lib directory get precedence. 2910. [James Adam]
  • Make help for the console command more explicit about how to specify the desired environment in which to run the console. 2911. [anonymous]
  • PostgreSQL: the purge_test_database Rake task shouldn‘t explicitly specify the template0 template when creating a fresh test database. 2964 [Dreamer3]
  • Introducing the session_migration generator. Creates an add_session_table migration. Allows generator to specify migrations directory. 2958, 2960 [Rick Olson]
  • script/console uses RAILS_ENV environment variable if present. 2932 [Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>
  • Windows: eliminate the socket option in database.yml. 2924 [Wayne Vucenic <waynev@gmail.com>]
  • Eliminate nil from newly generated logfiles. 2927 [Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>]
  • Rename Version constant to VERSION. 2802 [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Eliminate Subversion dependencies in scripts/plugin. Correct install options. Introduce —force option to reinstall a plugin. Remove useless —long option for list. Use —quiet to quiet the download output and —revision to update to a specific svn revision. 2842 [Chad Fowler, Rick Olson]
  • SQLite: the clone_structure_to_test and purge_test_database Rake tasks should always use the test environment. 2846 [Rick Olson]
  • Make sure that legacy db tasks also reference :database for SQLite 2830 [kazuhiko@fdiary.net]
  • Pass FILE when evaluating plugins’ init.rb. 2817 [James Adam]
  • Better svn status matching for generators. 2814 [François Beausoleil <francois.beausoleil@gmail.com>, Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>]
  • Don‘t reload routes until plugins have been loaded so they have a chance to extend the routing capabilities [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Don‘t detach or fork for script/server tailing [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Changed all script/* to use #!/usr/bin/env ruby instead of hard-coded Ruby path. public/dispatcher.* still uses the hard-coded path for compatibility with web servers that don‘t have Ruby in path [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Force RAILS_ENV to be "test" when running tests, so that ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "production" in config/environment.rb doesn‘t wreck havok [David Heinemeier Hansson] 2660
  • Correct versioning in :freeze_gems Rake task. 2778 [Jakob Skjerning, Jeremy Kemper]
  • Added an omnipresent RailsInfoController with a properties action that delivers an HTML rendering of Rails::Info (but only when local_request? is true). Added a new default index.html which fetches this with Ajax. [Sam Stephenson]

*0.14.3 (RC4)* (November 7th, 2005)

  • Add ‘add_new_scripts’ rake task for adding new rails scripts to script/* [Jamis Buck]
  • Remove bogus hyphen from script/process/reaper calls to ‘ps’. 2767 [anonymous]
  • Copy lighttpd.conf when it is first needed, instead of on app creation [Jamis Buck]
  • Use require_library_or_gem ‘fcgi’ in script/server [Sam Stephenson]
  • Added default lighttpd config in config/lighttpd.conf and added a default runner for lighttpd in script/server (works like script/server, but using lighttpd and FastCGI). It will use lighttpd if available, otherwise WEBrick. You can force either or using ‘script/server lighttpd’ or ‘script/server webrick’ [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • New configuration option config.plugin_paths which may be a single path like the default ‘vendor/plugins’ or an array of paths: [‘vendor/plugins’, ‘lib/plugins’]. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Plugins are discovered in nested paths, so you can organize your plugins directory as you like. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Refactor load_plugin from load_plugins. 2757 [alex.r.moon@gmail.com]
  • Make use of silence_stderr in script/lighttpd, script/plugin, and Rails::Info [Sam Stephenson]
  • Enable HTTP installation of plugins when svn isn‘t avaialable. Closes 2661. [Chad Fowler]
  • Added script/about to display formatted Rails::Info output [Sam Stephenson]
  • Added Rails::Info to catalog assorted information about a Rails application‘s environment [Sam Stephenson]
  • Tail the logfile when running script/server lighttpd in the foreground [Sam Stephenson]
  • Try to guess the port number from config/lighttpd.conf in script/server lighttpd [Sam Stephenson]
  • Don‘t reap spawn-fcgi. 2727 [matthew@walker.wattle.id.au]
  • Reaper knows how to find processes even if the dispatch path is very long. 2711 [matthew@walker.wattle.id.au]
  • Make fcgi handler respond to TERM signals with an explicit exit [Jamis Buck]
  • Added demonstration of fixture use to the test case generated by the model generator [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • If specified, pass PostgreSQL client character encoding to createdb. 2703 [Kazuhiko <kazuhiko@fdiary.net>]
  • Catch CGI multipart parse errors. Wrap dispatcher internals in a failsafe response handler. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • The freeze_gems Rake task accepts the VERSION environment variable to decide which version of Rails to pull into vendor/rails. [Chad Fowler, Jeremy Kemper]
  • Removed script.aculo.us.js, builder.js and slider.js (preperation for move of scriptaculous extensions to plugins, core scriptaculous will remain in Railties) [Thomas Fuchs]
  • The freeze_edge Rake task does smarter svn detection and can export a specific revision by passing the REVISION environment variable. For example: rake freeze_edge REVISION=1234. 2663 [Rick Olson]
  • Comment database.yml and include PostgreSQL and SQLite examples. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Improve script/plugin on Windows. 2646 [Chad Fowler]
  • The *_plugindoc Rake tasks look deeper into the plugins’ lib directories. 2652 [bellis@deepthought.org]
  • The PostgreSQL :db_structure_dump Rake task limits its dump to the schema search path in database.yml. [Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov@gmail.com>]
  • Add task to generate rdoc for all installed plugins. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
  • Update script.aculo.us to V1.5_rc4 [Thomas Fuchs]
  • Add default Mac + DarwinPorts MySQL socket locations to the app generator. [Jeremy Kemper]
  • Migrations may be destroyed: script/destroy migration foo. 2635 [Charles M. Gerungan <charles.gerungan@gmail.com>, Jamis Buck, Jeremy Kemper]
  • Added that plugins can carry generators and that generator stub files can be created along with new plugins using script/generate plugin <name> —with-generator [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Removed app/apis as a default empty dir since its automatically created when using script/generate web_service [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added script/plugin to manage plugins (install, remove, list, etc) [Ryan Tomayko]
  • Added test_plugins task: Run the plugin tests in vendor/plugins/**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Added plugin generator to create a stub structure for a new plugin in vendor/plugins (see "script/generate plugin" for help) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
  • Fixed scaffold generator when started with only 1 parameter 2609 [self@mattmower.com]
  • rake should run functional tests even if the unit tests have failures [Jim Weirich]
  • Back off cleanpath to be symlink friendly. Closes 2533 [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Load rake task files in alphabetical order so you can build dependencies and count on them 2554 [Blair Zajac]

*0.14.2 (RC3)* (October 26th, 2005)

  • Constants set in the development/test/production environment file are set in Object
  • Scaffold generator pays attention to the controller name. 2562 [self@mattmower.com]
  • Include tasks from vendor/plugins/*/tasks in the Rakefile 2545 [Rick Olson]

*0.14.1 (RC2)* (October 19th, 2005)

  • Don‘t clean RAILS_ROOT on windows
  • Remove trailing ’/’ from RAILS_ROOT [Nicholas Seckar]
  • Upgraded to Active Record 1.12.1 and Action Pack 1.10.1

*0.14.0 (RC1)* (October 16th, 2005)

  • Moved generator folder from RAILS_ROOT/generators to RAILS_ROOT/lib/generators [Tobias Lütke]
  • Fix rake dev and related commands [Nicholas Seckar]
  • The rails command tries to deduce your MySQL socket by running `mysql_config