Rails Plugin Manager.

Listing available plugins:

  $ ./script/plugin list
  continuous_builder            http://dev.rubyonrails.com/svn/rails/plugins/continuous_builder
  asset_timestamping            http://svn.aviditybytes.com/rails/plugins/asset_timestamping
  enumerations_mixin            http://svn.protocool.com/rails/plugins/enumerations_mixin/trunk
  calculations                  http://techno-weenie.net/svn/projects/calculations/

Installing plugins:

  $ ./script/plugin install continuous_builder asset_timestamping

Finding Repositories:

  $ ./script/plugin discover

Adding Repositories:

  $ ./script/plugin source http://svn.protocool.com/rails/plugins/

How it works:

  * Maintains a list of subversion repositories that are assumed to have
    a plugin directory structure. Manage them with the (source, unsource,
    and sources commands)

  * The discover command scrapes the following page for things that
    look like subversion repositories with plugins:

  * Unless you specify that you want to use svn, script/plugin uses plain old
    HTTP for downloads.  The following bullets are true if you specify
    that you want to use svn.

  * If `vendor/plugins` is under subversion control, the script will
    modify the svn:externals property and perform an update. You can
    use normal subversion commands to keep the plugins up to date.

  * Or, if `vendor/plugins` is not under subversion control, the
    plugin is pulled via `svn checkout` or `svn export` but looks
    exactly the same.

Specifying revisions:

  * Subversion revision is a single integer.

  * Git revision format:
    - full - 'refs/tags/1.8.0' or 'refs/heads/experimental'
    - short: 'experimental' (equivalent to 'refs/heads/experimental')
             'tag 1.8.0' (equivalent to 'refs/tags/1.8.0')

This is Free Software, copyright 2005 by Ryan Tomayko (rtomayko@gmail.com) and is licensed MIT: (www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)

Required Files
Included Modules