One thing that has always been a pain with remote web services is testing. The HttpMock class makes it easy to test your Active Resource models by creating a set of mock responses to specific requests.

To test your Active Resource model, you simply call the ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to method with an attached block. The block declares a set of URIs with expected input, and the output each request should return. The passed in block has any number of entries in the following generalized format:

  mock.http_method(path, request_headers = {}, body = nil, status = 200, response_headers = {})
  • http_method - The HTTP method to listen for. This can be get, post, put, delete or head.
  • path - A string, starting with a "/", defining the URI that is expected to be called.
  • request_headers - Headers that are expected along with the request. This argument uses a hash format, such as { "Content-Type" => "application/xml" }. This mock will only trigger if your tests sends a request with identical headers.
  • body - The data to be returned. This should be a string of Active Resource parseable content, such as XML.
  • status - The HTTP response code, as an integer, to return with the response.
  • response_headers - Headers to be returned with the response. Uses the same hash format as request_headers listed above.

In order for a mock to deliver its content, the incoming request must match by the http_method, path and request_headers. If no match is found an InvalidRequestError exception will be raised letting you know you need to create a new mock for that request.


  def setup
    @matz  = { :id => 1, :name => "Matz" }.to_xml(:root => "person")
    ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|   "/people.xml",   {}, @matz, 201, "Location" => "/people/1.xml"
      mock.get    "/people/1.xml", {}, @matz
      mock.put    "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 204
      mock.delete "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 200

  def test_get_matz
    person = Person.find(1)
    assert_equal "Matz",
Public Class methods

Returns an array of all request objects that have been sent to the mock. You can use this to check if your model actually sent an HTTP request.


  def setup
    @matz  = { :id => 1, :name => "Matz" }.to_xml(:root => "person")
    ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|
      mock.get "/people/1.xml", {}, @matz

  def test_should_request_remote_service
    person = Person.find(1)  # Call the remote service

    # This request object has the same HTTP method and path as declared by the mock
    expected_request =, "/people/1.xml")

    # Assert that the mock received, and responded to, the expected request from the model
    assert ActiveResource::HttpMock.requests.include?(expected_request)
    # File activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb, line 91
91:       def requests
92:         @@requests ||= []
93:       end

Deletes all logged requests and responses.

     # File activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb, line 114
114:       def reset!
115:         requests.clear
116:         responses.clear
117:       end
respond_to(pairs = {}) {|mock| ...}

Accepts a block which declares a set of requests and responses for the HttpMock to respond to. See the main ActiveResource::HttpMock description for a more detailed explanation.

     # File activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb, line 103
103:       def respond_to(pairs = {}) #:yields: mock
104:         reset!
105:         responses.concat pairs.to_a
106:         if block_given?
107:           yield
108:         else
110:         end
111:       end

Returns the list of requests and their mocked responses. Look up a response for a request using responses.assoc(request).

    # File activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb, line 97
97:       def responses
98:         @@responses ||= []
99:       end