[RW] domain
[RW] expires
[R] http_only
[RW] name
[RW] path
[R] secure
[RW] value
Public Class methods
new(name = '', *value)

Creates a new CGI::Cookie object.

The contents of the cookie can be specified as a name and one or more value arguments. Alternatively, the contents can be specified as a single hash argument. The possible keywords of this hash are as follows:

  • :name - The name of the cookie. Required.
  • :value - The cookie‘s value or list of values.
  • :path - The path for which this cookie applies. Defaults to the base directory of the CGI script.
  • :domain - The domain for which this cookie applies.
  • :expires - The time at which this cookie expires, as a Time object.
  • :secure - Whether this cookie is a secure cookie or not (defaults to false). Secure cookies are only transmitted to HTTPS servers.
  • :http_only - Whether this cookie can be accessed by client side scripts (e.g. document.cookie) or only over HTTP. More details in Defaults to false.

These keywords correspond to attributes of the cookie object.

    # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cookie.rb, line 30
30:     def initialize(name = '', *value)
31:       if name.kind_of?(String)
32:         @name = name
33:         @value = Array(value)
34:         @domain = nil
35:         @expires = nil
36:         @secure = false
37:         @http_only = false
38:         @path = nil
39:       else
40:         @name = name['name']
41:         @value = (name['value'].kind_of?(String) ? [name['value']] : Array(name['value'])).delete_if(&:blank?)
42:         @domain = name['domain']
43:         @expires = name['expires']
44:         @secure = name['secure'] || false
45:         @http_only = name['http_only'] || false
46:         @path = name['path']
47:       end
49:       raise ArgumentError, "`name' required" unless @name
51:       # simple support for IE
52:       unless @path
53:         %r|^(.*/)|.match(ENV['SCRIPT_NAME'])
54:         @path = ($1 or '')
55:       end
57:       super(@value)
58:     end

Parses a raw cookie string into a hash of cookie-name => cookie-object pairs.

  cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse("raw_cookie_string")
    # => { "name1" => cookie1, "name2" => cookie2, ... }
     # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cookie.rb, line 95
 95:     def self.parse(raw_cookie)
 96:       cookies =[])
 98:       if raw_cookie
 99:         raw_cookie.split(/;\s?/).each do |pairs|
100:           name, value = pairs.split('=',2)
101:           next unless name and value
102:           name = CGI::unescape(name)
103:           unless cookies.has_key?(name)
104:             cookies[name] = new(name, CGI::unescape(value))
105:           end
106:         end
107:       end
109:       cookies
110:     end
Public Instance methods

Sets whether the Cookie is an HTTP only cookie or not.

    # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cookie.rb, line 66
66:     def http_only=(val)
67:       @http_only = val == true
68:     end
respond_to?(method, include_private = false)

FIXME: work around broken 1.8.7 DelegateClass#respond_to?

    # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cookie.rb, line 84
84:     def respond_to?(method, include_private = false)
85:       return true if super(method)
86:       return __getobj__.respond_to?(method, include_private)
87:     end

Sets whether the Cookie is a secure cookie or not.

    # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cookie.rb, line 61
61:     def secure=(val)
62:       @secure = val == true
63:     end

Converts the Cookie to its string representation.

    # File actionpack/lib/action_controller/cgi_ext/cookie.rb, line 71
71:     def to_s
72:       buf = ''
73:       buf << @name << '='
74:       buf << (@value.kind_of?(String) ? CGI::escape(@value) : @value.collect{|v| CGI::escape(v) }.join("&"))
75:       buf << '; domain=' << @domain if @domain
76:       buf << '; path=' << @path if @path
77:       buf << '; expires=' << CGI::rfc1123_date(@expires) if @expires
78:       buf << '; secure' if @secure
79:       buf << '; HttpOnly' if @http_only
80:       buf
81:     end