A custom dispatch servlet for use with WEBrick. It dispatches requests (using the Rails Dispatcher) to the appropriate controller/action. By default, it restricts WEBrick to a managing a single Rails request at a time, but you can change this behavior by setting ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency to true.

Public Class methods
dispatch(options = {})

Start the WEBrick server with the given options, mounting the DispatchServlet at /.

    # File railties/lib/webrick_server.rb, line 48
48:   def self.dispatch(options = {})
49:     Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true # patch for OS X
51:     params = { :Port        => options[:port].to_i,
52:                :ServerType  => options[:server_type],
53:                :BindAddress => options[:ip] }
54:     params[:MimeTypes] = options[:mime_types] if options[:mime_types]
56:     server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(params)
57:     server.mount('/', DispatchServlet, options)
59:     trap("INT") { server.shutdown }
60:     server.start
61:   end