Classes and Modules
Module Rails::Generator::Options::ClassMethods
[W] options
Public Class methods
    # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 6
 6:       def self.included(base)
 7:         base.extend(ClassMethods)
 8:         class << base
 9:           if respond_to?(:inherited)
10:             alias_method :inherited_without_options, :inherited
11:           end
12:           alias_method :inherited, :inherited_with_options
13:         end
14:       end
Public Instance methods

Each instance has an options hash that‘s populated by parse.

    # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 49
49:       def options
50:         @options ||= {}
51:       end
Protected Instance methods

Adds general options like -h and —quiet. Usually don‘t override.

     # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 119
119:         def add_general_options!(opt)
120:           opt.separator ''
121:           opt.separator 'Rails Info:'
122:           opt.on('-v', '--version', 'Show the Rails version number and quit.')
123:           opt.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this help message and quit.') { |v| options[:help] = v }
125:           opt.separator ''
126:           opt.separator 'General Options:'
128:           opt.on('-p', '--pretend', 'Run but do not make any changes.') { |v| options[:pretend] = v }
129:           opt.on('-f', '--force', 'Overwrite files that already exist.') { options[:collision] = :force }
130:           opt.on('-s', '--skip', 'Skip files that already exist.') { options[:collision] = :skip }
131:           opt.on('-q', '--quiet', 'Suppress normal output.') { |v| options[:quiet] = v }
132:           opt.on('-t', '--backtrace', 'Debugging: show backtrace on errors.') { |v| options[:backtrace] = v }
133:           opt.on('-c', '--svn', 'Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path)') do
134:             options[:svn] = {}
135:             `svn status`.each_line do |line|
136:               options[:svn][line.chomp[7..-1]] = true
137:             end
138:           end
139:           opt.on('-g', '--git', 'Modify files with git. (Note: git must be in path)') do
140:             options[:git] = {:new => {}, :modified => {}}
141:             `git status`.each_line do |line|
142:               options[:git][:new][line.chomp[14..-1]] = true if line =~ /new file:/
143:               options[:git][:modified][line.chomp[14..-1]] = true if line =~ /modified:/
144:             end
145:           end
146:         end

Override to add your options to the parser:

  def add_options!(opt)
    opt.on('-v', '--verbose') { |value| options[:verbose] = value }
     # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 115
115:         def add_options!(opt)
116:         end

Override with your own usage banner.

     # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 107
107:         def banner
108:           "Usage: #{$0} [options]"
109:         end

Convenient access to class default options.

    # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 61
61:         def default_options
62:           self.class.default_options
63:         end
full_options(runtime_options = {})

Merge together our instance options. In increasing precedence:

  default_options   (class default options)
  options           (instance options)
  runtime_options   (provided as argument)
  mandatory_options (class mandatory options)
    # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 70
70:         def full_options(runtime_options = {})
71:           self.class.full_options(options.merge(runtime_options))
72:         end

Convenient access to class mandatory options.

    # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 56
56:         def mandatory_options
57:           self.class.mandatory_options
58:         end
parse!(args, runtime_options = {})

Parse arguments into the options hash. Classes may customize parsing behavior by overriding these methods:

  #banner                 Usage: ./script/generate [options]
  #add_options!           Options:
                            some options..
  #add_general_options!   General Options:
                            general options..
    # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 81
81:         def parse!(args, runtime_options = {})
82:           self.options = {}
84:           @option_parser = do |opt|
85:             opt.banner = banner
86:             add_options!(opt)
87:             add_general_options!(opt)
88:             opt.parse!(args)
89:           end
91:           return args
92:         ensure
93:           self.options = full_options(runtime_options)
94:         end
usage(message = usage_message)

Raise a usage error. Override usage_message to provide a blurb after the option parser summary.

     # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 98
 98:         def usage(message = usage_message)
 99:           raise UsageError, "#{@option_parser}\n#{message}"
100:         end
     # File railties/lib/rails_generator/options.rb, line 102
102:         def usage_message
103:           ''
104:         end