Class Public methods
enqueue_after_transaction_commit Link
Defines if enqueueing this job from inside an Active Record transaction automatically defers the enqueue to after the transaction commits.
It can be set on a per job basis:
- true forces the job to be deferred.
- false forces the job to be queued immediately.
Instance Public methods
enqueue(options = {}) Link
Enqueues the job to be performed by the queue adapter.
- Enqueues the job with the specified delay -
- Enqueues the job at the time specified -
- Enqueues the job on the specified queue -
- Enqueues the job with the specified priority
my_job_instance.enqueue wait: 5.minutes
my_job_instance.enqueue queue: :important
my_job_instance.enqueue wait_until: Date.tomorrow.midnight
my_job_instance.enqueue priority: 10