Raised when connection to the database could not been established because it was not able to connect to the host or when the authorization failed.
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Class Public methods
hostname_error(hostname) Link
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/errors.rb, line 108 def hostname_error(hostname) DatabaseConnectionError.new(<<~MSG) There is an issue connecting with your hostname: #{hostname}.\n Please check your database configuration and ensure there is a valid connection to your database. MSG end
new(message = nil) Link
username_error(username) Link
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/errors.rb, line 115 def username_error(username) DatabaseConnectionError.new(<<~MSG) There is an issue connecting to your database with your username/password, username: #{username}.\n Please check your database configuration to ensure the username/password are valid. MSG end