Instance Public methods
delete(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a DELETE request with the given parameters. See #get for more details.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 50
def delete(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  process :delete, path, parameters, headers
delete_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a DELETE request, following any subsequent redirect. See request_via_redirect for more information.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 114
def delete_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  request_via_redirect(:delete, path, parameters, headers)

Follow a single redirect response. If the last response was not a redirect, an exception will be raised. Otherwise, the redirect is performed on the location header.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 78
def follow_redirect!
  raise "not a redirect! #{status} #{status_message}" unless redirect?
get(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a GET request with the given parameters.

  • path: The URI (as a String) on which you want to perform a GET request.

  • parameters: The HTTP parameters that you want to pass. This may be nil, a Hash, or a String that is appropriately encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data).

  • headers: Additional HTTP headers to pass, as a Hash. The keys will automatically be upcased, with the prefix ‘HTTP_’ added if needed.

This method returns an Response object, which one can use to inspect the details of the response. Furthermore, if this method was called from an ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest object, then that object’s @response instance variable will point to the same response object.

You can also perform POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with #post, #put, #delete, and #head.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 32
def get(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  process :get, path, parameters, headers
get_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a GET request, following any subsequent redirect. See request_via_redirect for more information.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 96
def get_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  request_via_redirect(:get, path, parameters, headers)
head(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a HEAD request with the given parameters. See #get for more details.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 56
def head(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  process :head, path, parameters, headers
post(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a POST request with the given parameters. See #get for more details.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 38
def post(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  process :post, path, parameters, headers
post_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a POST request, following any subsequent redirect. See request_via_redirect for more information.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 102
def post_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  request_via_redirect(:post, path, parameters, headers)
put(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a PUT request with the given parameters. See #get for more details.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 44
def put(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  process :put, path, parameters, headers
put_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a PUT request, following any subsequent redirect. See request_via_redirect for more information.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 108
def put_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  request_via_redirect(:put, path, parameters, headers)
request_via_redirect(http_method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs a request using the specified method, following any subsequent redirect. Note that the redirects are followed until the response is not a redirect–this means you may run into an infinite loop if your redirect loops back to itself.

# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 88
def request_via_redirect(http_method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  process(http_method, path, parameters, headers)
  follow_redirect! while redirect?
xhr(request_method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
xml_http_request(request_method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)

Performs an XMLHttpRequest request with the given parameters, mirroring a request from the Prototype library.

The request_method is :get, :post, :put, :delete or :head; the parameters are nil, a hash, or a url-encoded or multipart string; the headers are a hash. Keys are automatically upcased and prefixed with ‘HTTP_’ if not already.

Also aliased as: xhr
# File actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb, line 67
def xml_http_request(request_method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
  headers ||= {}
  headers['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
  headers['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ||= [Mime::JS, Mime::HTML, Mime::XML, 'text/xml', Mime::ALL].join(', ')
  process(request_method, path, parameters, headers)