- CLASS Object::HashWithIndifferentAccess
- CLASS Object::IntegrationTest
- CLASS Object::MissingSourceFile
- A
- B
- C
- D
- H
- I
- O
- P
- T
- U
- W
- FileUtils
- Java
PerformanceTest | = | ActionDispatch::PerformanceTest |
Integration | = | ActionDispatch::Integration |
IntegrationTest | = | ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest |
AbstractRequest | = | ActionController::Request = ActionDispatch::Request |
AbstractResponse | = | ActionController::Response = ActionDispatch::Response |
Routing | = | ActionDispatch::Routing |
ALL | = | Mime::Type.new("*/*", :all, []) |
HashWithIndifferentAccess | = | ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess |
MissingSourceFile | = | LoadError |
RUBY_ENGINE | = | 'ruby' unless defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) |
A duck-type assistant method. For example, Active Support extends Date to define an acts_like_date? method, and extends Time to define acts_like_time?. As a result, we can do “x.acts_like?(:time)” and “x.acts_like?(:date)” to do duck-type-safe comparisons, since classes that we want to act like Time simply need to define an acts_like_time? method.
An object is blank if it’s false, empty, or a whitespace string. For
example, “”, “ ”, nil
, [], and {} are all blank.
This simplifies:
if address.nil? || address.empty?
if address.blank?
Can you safely dup this object?
False for nil
, false
, true
, symbols,
numbers, class and module objects; true otherwise.
Returns true if this object is included in the argument(s). Argument must
be any object which responds to #include?
or optionally,
multiple arguments can be passed in. Usage:
characters = ["Konata", "Kagami", "Tsukasa"] "Konata".in?(characters) # => true character = "Konata" character.in?("Konata", "Kagami", "Tsukasa") # => true
This will throw an ArgumentError if a single argument is passed in and it
doesn’t respond to #include?
# File activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/object/inclusion.rb, line 13 def in?(*args) if args.length > 1 args.include? self else another_object = args.first if another_object.respond_to? :include? another_object.include? self else raise ArgumentError.new("The single parameter passed to #in? must respond to #include?") end end end
# File railties/lib/rails/commands/benchmarker.rb, line 9 def options options = {} defaults = ActiveSupport::Testing::Performance::DEFAULTS OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: rails benchmarker 'Ruby.code' 'Ruby.more_code' ... [OPTS]" opt.on('-r', '--runs N', Numeric, 'Number of runs.', "Default: #{defaults[:runs]}") { |r| options[:runs] = r } opt.on('-o', '--output PATH', String, 'Directory to use when writing the results.', "Default: #{defaults[:output]}") { |o| options[:output] = o } opt.on('-m', '--metrics a,b,c', Array, 'Metrics to use.', "Default: #{defaults[:metrics].join(",")}") { |m| options[:metrics] = m.map(&:to_sym) } opt.parse!(ARGV) end options end
Returns object if it’s present?
otherwise returns
. object.presence
is equivalent to
object.present? ? object : nil
This is handy for any representation of objects where blank is the same as not present at all. For example, this simplifies a common check for HTTP POST/query parameters:
state = params[:state] if params[:state].present? country = params[:country] if params[:country].present? region = state || country || 'US'
region = params[:state].presence || params[:country].presence || 'US'
An object is present if it’s not blank?
Dumps object in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). See www.json.org for more info.
Alias of to_s
Converts an object into a string suitable for use as a URL query string,
using the given key
as the param name.
Note: This method is defined as a default implementation for all Objects for Hash#to_query to work.
Invokes the method identified by the symbol method
, passing it
any arguments and/or the block specified, just like the regular Ruby
Unlike that method however, a NoMethodError
exception will not be raised and nil
will be
returned instead, if the receiving object is a nil
object or
If try is called without a method to call, it will yield any given block with the object.
Without try
@person && @person.name
@person ? @person.name : nil
With try
also accepts arguments and/or a block, for the method it
is trying
Person.try(:find, 1) @people.try(:collect) {|p| p.name}
Without a method argument try will yield to the block unless the receiver is nil.
@person.try { |p| "#{p.first_name} #{p.last_name}" }
# File activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/uri.rb, line 12 def unescape(str, escaped = %r%[a-fA-F\d]{2}/) # TODO: Are we actually sure that ASCII == UTF-8? # YK: My initial experiments say yes, but let's be sure please enc = str.encoding enc = Encoding::UTF_8 if enc == Encoding::US_ASCII str.gsub(escaped) { [$&[1, 2].hex].pack('C') }.force_encoding(enc) end
An elegant way to factor duplication out of options passed to a series of
method calls. Each method called in the block, with the block variable as
the receiver, will have its options merged with the default
hash provided. Each method called on the block
variable must take an options hash as its final argument.
Without with_options>
, this code contains duplication:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :customers, :dependent => :destroy has_many :products, :dependent => :destroy has_many :invoices, :dependent => :destroy has_many :expenses, :dependent => :destroy end
Using with_options
, we can remove the duplication:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base with_options :dependent => :destroy do |assoc| assoc.has_many :customers assoc.has_many :products assoc.has_many :invoices assoc.has_many :expenses end end
It can also be used with an explicit receiver:
I18n.with_options :locale => user.locale, :scope => "newsletter" do |i18n| subject i18n.t :subject body i18n.t :body, :user_name => user.name end
can also be nested since the call is forwarded to
its receiver. Each nesting level will merge inherited defaults in addition
to their own.