- MODULE Rails::Generators::Actions
- MODULE Rails::Generators::Migration
- MODULE Rails::Generators::ResourceHelpers
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ActiveModel
- CLASS Rails::Generators::AppBase
- CLASS Rails::Generators::AppGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::AssetsGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::Base
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ControllerGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::Error
- CLASS Rails::Generators::GeneratedAttribute
- CLASS Rails::Generators::GeneratorGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::HelperGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::IntegrationTestGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::MigrationGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ModelGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::NamedBase
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ObserverGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::PerformanceTestGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::PluginNewGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ResourceGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ResourceRouteGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ScaffoldControllerGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::ScaffoldGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::SessionMigrationGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::TaskGenerator
- CLASS Rails::Generators::TestCase
- F
- H
- I
- N
- S
- T
DEFAULT_ALIASES | = | { :rails => { :actions => '-a', :orm => '-o', :javascripts => '-j', :javascript_engine => '-je', :resource_controller => '-c', :scaffold_controller => '-c', :stylesheets => '-y', :stylesheet_engine => '-se', :template_engine => '-e', :test_framework => '-t' }, :test_unit => { :fixture_replacement => '-r', }, :plugin => { :generator => '-g', :tasks => '-r' } } |
DEFAULT_OPTIONS | = | { :rails => { :assets => true, :force_plural => false, :helper => true, :integration_tool => nil, :javascripts => true, :javascript_engine => :js, :orm => false, :performance_tool => nil, :resource_controller => :controller, :resource_route => true, :scaffold_controller => :scaffold_controller, :stylesheets => true, :stylesheet_engine => :css, :test_framework => false, :template_engine => :erb }, :plugin => { :generator => false, :tasks => false } } |
RAILS_DEV_PATH | = | File.expand_path("../../../../../..", File.dirname(__FILE__)) |
We need to store the RAILS_DEV_PATH in a constant, otherwise the path can change in Ruby 1.8.7 when we FileUtils.cd. |
RESERVED_NAMES | = | %w[application destroy benchmarker profiler plugin runner test] |
Hold configured generators fallbacks. If a plugin developer wants a generator group to fallback to another group in case of missing generators, they can add a fallback.
For example, shoulda is considered a test_framework and is an extension of test_unit. However, most part of shoulda generators are similar to test_unit ones.
Shoulda then can tell generators to search for test_unit generators when some of them are not available by adding a fallback:
Rails::Generators.fallbacks[:shoulda] = :test_unit
Show help message with available generators.
# File railties/lib/rails/generators.rb, line 220 def self.help(command = 'generate') lookup! namespaces = subclasses.map{ |k| k.namespace } namespaces.sort! groups = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] } namespaces.each do |namespace| base = namespace.split(':').first groups[base] << namespace end puts "Usage: rails #{command} GENERATOR [args] [options]" puts puts "General options:" puts " -h, [--help] # Print generator's options and usage" puts " -p, [--pretend] # Run but do not make any changes" puts " -f, [--force] # Overwrite files that already exist" puts " -s, [--skip] # Skip files that already exist" puts " -q, [--quiet] # Suppress status output" puts puts "Please choose a generator below." puts # Print Rails defaults first. rails = groups.delete("rails") rails.map! { |n| n.sub(/^rails:/, '') } rails.delete("app") rails.delete("plugin_new") print_list("rails", rails) hidden_namespaces.each {|n| groups.delete(n.to_s) } groups.sort.each { |b, n| print_list(b, n) } end
Source: on GitHub
|Receives a namespace, arguments and the behavior to invoke the generator. It's used as the default entry point for generate, destroy and update commands.
# File railties/lib/rails/generators.rb, line 167 def self.invoke(namespace, args=ARGV, config={}) names = namespace.to_s.split(':') if klass = find_by_namespace(names.pop, names.any? && names.join(':')) args << "--help" if args.empty? && klass.arguments.any? { |a| a.required? } klass.start(args, config) else puts "Could not find generator #{namespace}." end end
Remove the color from output.
Track all generators subclasses.