- P
Instance Public methods
# File railties/lib/rails/commands/server.rb, line 8 def parse!(args) args, options = args.dup, {} opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: rails server [mongrel, thin, etc] [options]" opts.on("-p", "--port=port", Integer, "Runs Rails on the specified port.", "Default: 3000") { |v| options[:Port] = v } opts.on("-b", "--binding=ip", String, "Binds Rails to the specified ip.", "Default:") { |v| options[:Host] = v } opts.on("-c", "--config=file", String, "Use custom rackup configuration file") { |v| options[:config] = v } opts.on("-d", "--daemon", "Make server run as a Daemon.") { options[:daemonize] = true } opts.on("-u", "--debugger", "Enable ruby-debugging for the server.") { options[:debugger] = true } opts.on("-e", "--environment=name", String, "Specifies the environment to run this server under (test/development/production).", "Default: development") { |v| options[:environment] = v } opts.on("-P","--pid=pid",String, "Specifies the PID file.", "Default: tmp/pids/") { |v| options[:pid] = v } opts.separator "" opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit } end opt_parser.parse! args options[:server] = args.shift options end