Instance Public methods
assert_class_method(method, content, &block)

Asserts the given class method exists in the given content. This method does not detect class methods inside (class << self), only class methods which starts with “self.”. When a block is given, it yields the content of the method.

assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb" do |migration|
  assert_class_method :up, migration do |up|
    assert_match(/create_table/, up)
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 86
def assert_class_method(method, content, &block)
  assert_instance_method "self.#{method}", content, &block
assert_directory(relative, *contents)
assert_field_default_value(attribute_type, value)

Asserts the given attribute type gets a proper default value:

assert_field_default_value :string, "MyString"
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 115
def assert_field_default_value(attribute_type, value)
  assert_equal(value, create_generated_attribute(attribute_type).default)
assert_field_type(attribute_type, field_type)

Asserts the given attribute type gets translated to a field type properly:

assert_field_type :date, :date_select
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 108
def assert_field_type(attribute_type, field_type)
  assert_equal(field_type, create_generated_attribute(attribute_type).field_type)
assert_file(relative, *contents)

Asserts a given file exists. You need to supply an absolute path or a path relative to the configured destination:

assert_file "config/environment.rb"

You can also give extra arguments. If the argument is a regexp, it will check if the regular expression matches the given file content. If it’s a string, it compares the file with the given string:

assert_file "config/environment.rb", /initialize/

Finally, when a block is given, it yields the file content:

assert_file "app/controllers/products_controller.rb" do |controller|
  assert_instance_method :index, controller do |index|
    assert_match(/Product\.all/, index)
Also aliased as: assert_directory
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 23
def assert_file(relative, *contents)
  absolute = File.expand_path(relative, destination_root)
  assert File.exists?(absolute), "Expected file #{relative.inspect} to exist, but does not"

  read = if block_given? || !contents.empty?
  yield read if block_given?

  contents.each do |content|
    case content
      when String
        assert_equal content, read
      when Regexp
        assert_match content, read
assert_instance_method(method, content)

Asserts the given method exists in the given content. When a block is given, it yields the content of the method.

assert_file "app/controllers/products_controller.rb" do |controller|
  assert_instance_method :index, controller do |index|
    assert_match(/Product\.all/, index)
Also aliased as: assert_method
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 98
def assert_instance_method(method, content)
  assert content =~ /(\s+)def #{method}(\(.+\))?(.*?)\n\1end/, "Expected to have method #{method}"
  yield $3.strip if block_given?
assert_method(method, content)
assert_migration(relative, *contents, &block)

Asserts a given migration exists. You need to supply an absolute path or a path relative to the configured destination:

assert_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb"

This method manipulates the given path and tries to find any migration which matches the migration name. For example, the call above is converted to:

assert_file "db/migrate/003_create_products.rb"

Consequently, #assert_migration accepts the same arguments has assert_file.

# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 62
def assert_migration(relative, *contents, &block)
  file_name = migration_file_name(relative)
  assert file_name, "Expected migration #{relative} to exist, but was not found"
  assert_file file_name, *contents, &block

Asserts a given file does not exist. You need to supply an absolute path or a path relative to the configured destination:

assert_no_file "config/random.rb"
Also aliased as: assert_no_directory
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 45
def assert_no_file(relative)
  absolute = File.expand_path(relative, destination_root)
  assert !File.exists?(absolute), "Expected file #{relative.inspect} to not exist, but does"

Asserts a given migration does not exist. You need to supply an absolute path or a path relative to the configured destination:

assert_no_migration "db/migrate/create_products.rb"
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/testing/assertions.rb, line 72
def assert_no_migration(relative)
  file_name = migration_file_name(relative)
  assert_nil file_name, "Expected migration #{relative} to not exist, but found #{file_name}"