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Add the given source to Gemfile
add_source "http://gems.github.com/"
Just run the capify command in root
Adds a line inside the Application class for config/application.rb.
If options :env is specified, the line is appended to the corresponding file in config/environments.
environment do
"config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)"
environment(nil, env: "development") do
"config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)"
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/actions.rb, line 87 def environment(data=nil, options={}, &block) sentinel = /class [a-z_:]+ < Rails::Application/i env_file_sentinel = /::Application\.configure do/ data = block.call if !data && block_given? in_root do if options[:env].nil? inject_into_file 'config/application.rb', "\n #{data}", after: sentinel, verbose: false else Array(options[:env]).each do |env| inject_into_file "config/environments/#{env}.rb", "\n #{data}", after: env_file_sentinel, verbose: false end end end end
Adds an entry into Gemfile for the supplied gem.
gem "rspec", group: :test
gem "technoweenie-restful-authentication", lib: "restful-authentication", source: "http://gems.github.com/"
gem "rails", "3.0", git: "git://github.com/rails/rails"
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/actions.rb, line 17 def gem(*args) options = args.extract_options! name, version = args # Set the message to be shown in logs. Uses the git repo if one is given, # otherwise use name (version). parts, message = [ name.inspect ], name if version ||= options.delete(:version) parts << version.inspect message << " (#{version})" end message = options[:git] if options[:git] log :gemfile, message options.each do |option, value| parts << "#{option}: #{value.inspect}" end in_root do str = "gem #{parts.join(", ")}" str = " " + str if @in_group str = "\n" + str append_file "Gemfile", str, verbose: false end end
Wraps gem entries inside a group.
gem_group :development, :test do
gem "rspec-rails"
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/actions.rb, line 49 def gem_group(*names, &block) name = names.map(&:inspect).join(", ") log :gemfile, "group #{name}" in_root do append_file "Gemfile", "\ngroup #{name} do", force: true @in_group = true instance_eval(&block) @in_group = false append_file "Gemfile", "\nend\n", force: true end end
Generate something using a generator from Rails or a plugin. The second parameter is the argument string that is passed to the generator or an Array that is joined.
generate(:authenticated, "user session")
Run a command in git.
git :init
git add: "this.file that.rb"
git add: "onefile.rb", rm: "badfile.cxx"
Create a new initializer with the provided code (either in a block or a string).
initializer("globals.rb") do
data = ""
['MY_WORK', 'ADMINS', 'BEST_COMPANY_EVAR'].each do |const|
data << "#{const} = :entp\n"
initializer("api.rb", "API_KEY = '123456'")
Create a new file in the lib/ directory. Code can be specified in a block or a data string can be given.
lib("crypto.rb") do
"crypted_special_value = '#{rand}--#{Time.now}--#{rand(1337)}--'"
lib("foreign.rb", "# Foreign code is fun")
Runs the supplied rake task
rake("db:migrate", env: "production")
rake("gems:install", sudo: true)
# File railties/lib/rails/generators/actions.rb, line 201 def rake(command, options={}) log :rake, command env = options[:env] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || 'development' sudo = options[:sudo] && RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] !~ /mswin|mingw/ ? 'sudo ' : '' in_root { run("#{sudo}#{extify(:rake)} #{command} RAILS_ENV=#{env}", verbose: false) } end
Create a new Rakefile with the provided code (either in a block or a string).
rakefile("bootstrap.rake") do
project = ask("What is the UNIX name of your project?")
namespace :#{project} do
task :bootstrap do
puts "I like boots!"
rakefile('seed.rake', 'puts "Planting seeds"')
Reads the given file at the source root and prints it in the console.
readme "README"
Make an entry in Rails routing file config/routes.rb
route "root 'welcome#index'"
Create a new file in the vendor/ directory. Code can be specified in a block or a data string can be given.
vendor("sekrit.rb") do
sekrit_salt = "#{Time.now}--#{3.years.ago}--#{rand}--"
"salt = '#{sekrit_salt}'"
vendor("foreign.rb", "# Foreign code is fun")
Add an extension to the given name based on the platform.
Define log for backwards compatibility. If just one argument is sent, invoke say, otherwise invoke say_status. Differently from say and similarly to say_status, this method respects the quiet? option given.