- V
Validates that the specified attributes are blank (as defined by Object#blank?). Happens by default on save.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_absence_of :first_name
The first_name attribute must be in the object and it must be blank.
Configuration options:
- A custom error message (default is: “must be blank”).
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information
Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate the acceptance of a terms of service check box (or similar agreement).
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service
validates_acceptance_of :eula, message: 'must be abided'
If the database column does not exist, the terms_of_service
attribute is entirely virtual. This check is performed only if
is not nil
and by default on
Configuration options:
- A custom error message (default is: “must be accepted”). -
- Specifies value that is considered accepted. The default value is a string “1”, which makes it easy to relate to an HTML checkbox. This should be set totrue
if you are validating a database column, since the attribute is typecast from “1” totrue
before validation.
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information.
Encapsulates the pattern of wanting to validate a password or email address field with a confirmation.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_confirmation_of :user_name, :password
validates_confirmation_of :email_address,
message: 'should match confirmation'
<%= password_field "person", "password" %>
<%= password_field "person", "password_confirmation" %>
The added password_confirmation
attribute is virtual; it
exists only as an in-memory attribute for validating the password. To
achieve this, the validation adds accessors to the model for the
confirmation attribute.
NOTE: This check is performed only if password_confirmation
not nil
. To require confirmation, make sure to add a presence
check for the confirmation attribute:
validates_presence_of :password_confirmation, if: :password_changed?
Configuration options:
- A custom error message (default is: “doesn't match confirmation”).
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information
Validates that the value of the specified attribute is not in a particular enumerable object.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_exclusion_of :username, in: %w( admin superuser ), message: "You don't belong here"
validates_exclusion_of :age, in: 30..60, message: 'This site is only for under 30 and over 60'
validates_exclusion_of :format, in: %w( mov avi ), message: "extension %{value} is not allowed"
validates_exclusion_of :password, in: ->(person) { [person.username, person.first_name] },
message: 'should not be the same as your username or first name'
validates_exclusion_of :karma, in: :reserved_karmas
Configuration options:
- An enumerable object of items that the value shouldn't be part of. This can be supplied as a proc, lambda or symbol which returns an enumerable. If the enumerable is a range the test is performed with -
- A synonym(or alias) for:in
, otherwise withinclude?
. -
- Specifies a custom error message (default is: “is reserved”).
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information
Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is of the correct form, going by the regular expression provided.You can require that the attribute matches the regular expression:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_format_of :email, with: /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i, on: :create
Alternatively, you can require that the specified attribute does not match the regular expression:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_format_of :email, without: /NOSPAM/
You can also provide a proc or lambda which will determine the regular expression that will be used to validate the attribute.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# Admin can have number as a first letter in their screen name
validates_format_of :screen_name,
with: ->(person) { person.admin? ? /\A[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_\-]*\z/i : /\A[a-z][a-z0-9_\-]*\z/i }
Note: use \A
and \Z
to match the start and end of
the string, ^
and $
match the start/end of a
Due to frequent misuse of ^
and $
, you need to
pass the multiline: true
option in case you use any of these
two anchors in the provided regular expression. In most cases, you should
be using \A
and \z
You must pass either :with
or :without
as an
option. In addition, both must be a regular expression or a proc or lambda,
or else an exception will be raised.
Configuration options:
- A custom error message (default is: “is invalid”). -
- Regular expression that if the attribute matches will result in a successful validation. This can be provided as a proc or lambda returning regular expression which will be called at runtime. -
- Regular expression that if the attribute does not match will result in a successful validation. This can be provided as a proc or lambda returning regular expression which will be called at runtime. -
- Set to true if your regular expression contains anchors that match the beginning or end of lines as opposed to the beginning or end of the string. These anchors are^
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information
Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is available in a particular enumerable object.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_inclusion_of :gender, in: %w( m f )
validates_inclusion_of :age, in: 0..99
validates_inclusion_of :format, in: %w( jpg gif png ), message: "extension %{value} is not included in the list"
validates_inclusion_of :states, in: ->(person) { STATES[person.country] }
validates_inclusion_of :karma, in: :available_karmas
Configuration options:
- An enumerable object of available items. This can be supplied as a proc, lambda or symbol which returns an enumerable. If the enumerable is a numerical range the test is performed withRange#cover?
, otherwise withinclude?
. When using a proc or lambda the instance under validation is passed as an argument. -
- A synonym(or alias) for:in
- Specifies a custom error message (default is: “is not included in the list”).
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information
Validates that the specified attribute matches the length restrictions supplied. Only one option can be used at a time:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_length_of :first_name, maximum: 30
validates_length_of :last_name, maximum: 30, message: "less than 30 if you don't mind"
validates_length_of :fax, in: 7..32, allow_nil: true
validates_length_of :phone, in: 7..32, allow_blank: true
validates_length_of :user_name, within: 6..20, too_long: 'pick a shorter name', too_short: 'pick a longer name'
validates_length_of :zip_code, minimum: 5, too_short: 'please enter at least 5 characters'
validates_length_of :smurf_leader, is: 4, message: "papa is spelled with 4 characters... don't play me."
validates_length_of :essay, minimum: 100, too_short: 'Your essay must be at least 100 words.',
tokenizer: ->(str) { str.scan(/\w+/) }
Configuration options:
- The minimum size of the attribute. -
- The maximum size of the attribute. Allowsnil
by default if not used with :minimum. -
- The exact size of the attribute. -
- A range specifying the minimum and maximum size of the attribute. -
- A synonym (or alias) for:within
. -
- Attribute may benil
; skip validation. -
- Attribute may be blank; skip validation. -
- The error message if the attribute goes over the maximum (default is: “is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)”). -
- The error message if the attribute goes under the minimum (default is: “is too short (min is %{count} characters)”). -
- The error message if using the:is
method and the attribute is the wrong size (default is: “is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)”). -
- The error message to use for a:minimum
, or:is
violation. An alias of the appropriatetoo_long
message. -
- Specifies how to split up the attribute string. (e.g.tokenizer: ->(str) { str.scan(/\w+/) }
to count words as in above example). Defaults to->(value) { value.split(//) }
which counts individual characters.
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information
Validates whether the value of the specified attribute is numeric by trying
to convert it to a float with Kernel.Float
(if only_integer
is false
) or applying it to the
regular expression /\A[+\-]?\d+\Z/
is set to true
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_numericality_of :value, on: :create
Configuration options:
- A custom error message (default is: “is not a number”). -
- Specifies whether the value has to be an integer, e.g. an integral value (default isfalse
). -
- Skip validation if attribute isnil
(default isfalse
). Notice that for fixnum and float columns empty strings are converted tonil
. -
- Specifies the value must be greater than the supplied value. -
- Specifies the value must be greater than or equal the supplied value. -
- Specifies the value must be equal to the supplied value. -
- Specifies the value must be less than the supplied value. -
- Specifies the value must be less than or equal the supplied value. -
- Specifies the value must be other than the supplied value. -
- Specifies the value must be an odd number. -
- Specifies the value must be an even number.
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information
The following checks can also be supplied with a proc or a symbol which corresponds to a method:
For example:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_numericality_of :width, less_than: ->(person) { person.height }
validates_numericality_of :width, greater_than: :minimum_weight
Validates that the specified attributes are not blank (as defined by Object#blank?). Happens by default on save.
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :first_name
The first_name attribute must be in the object and it cannot be blank.
If you want to validate the presence of a boolean field (where the real
values are true
and false
), you will want to use
validates_inclusion_of :field_name, in: [true, false]
This is due to the way Object#blank? handles
boolean values: false.blank? # => true
Configuration options:
- A custom error message (default is: “can't be blank”).
There is also a list of default options supported by every validator:
, :unless
, :on
, :allow_blank
, and
. See ActiveModel::Validation#validates
for more information