- B
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- U
Included Modules
Class Public methods
base_name() Link
Sets the base_name
taking into account the current class namespace.
Rails::Command::TestCommand.base_name # => 'rails'
command_name() Link
Return command name without namespaces.
Rails::Command::TestCommand.command_name # => 'test'
default_command_root() Link
Default file root to place extra files a command might need, placed one folder above the command file.
For a Rails::Command::TestCommand placed in rails/command/test_command.rb
would return rails/test
desc(usage = nil, description = nil, options = {}) Link
Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the command root.
executable() Link
hide_command!() Link
Convenience method to hide this command from the available ones when running rails command.
namespace(name = nil) Link
Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name. It's the same as Thor default except that the Command
at the end of the class is removed.
printing_commands() Link
usage_path() Link
Path to lookup a USAGE description in a file.