Class Public methods
reset_runtime() Link
runtime() Link
runtime=(value) Link
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/log_subscriber.rb, line 9 def self.runtime=(value) ActiveRecord.deprecator.warn(<<-MSG.squish) ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.runtime= is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 7.2. MSG ActiveRecord::RuntimeRegistry.sql_runtime = value end
Instance Public methods
sql(event) Link
# File activerecord/lib/active_record/log_subscriber.rb, line 39 def sql(event) payload = event.payload return if IGNORE_PAYLOAD_NAMES.include?(payload[:name]) name = if payload[:async] "ASYNC #{payload[:name]} (#{payload[:lock_wait].round(1)}ms) (db time #{event.duration.round(1)}ms)" else "#{payload[:name]} (#{event.duration.round(1)}ms)" end name = "CACHE #{name}" if payload[:cached] sql = payload[:sql] binds = nil if payload[:binds]&.any? casted_params = type_casted_binds(payload[:type_casted_binds]) binds = [] payload[:binds].each_with_index do |attr, i| attribute_name = if attr.respond_to?(:name) elsif attr.respond_to?(:[]) && attr[i].respond_to?(:name) attr[i].name else nil end filtered_params = filter(attribute_name, casted_params[i]) binds << render_bind(attr, filtered_params) end binds = binds.inspect binds.prepend(" ") end name = colorize_payload_name(name, payload[:name]) sql = color(sql, sql_color(sql), bold: true) if colorize_logging debug " #{name} #{sql}#{binds}" end