Active Record
Active Record objects don't specify their attributes directly, but rather infer them from the table definition with which they're linked. Adding, removing, and changing attributes and their type is done directly in the database. Any change is instantly reflected in the Active Record objects. The mapping that binds a given Active Record class to a certain database table will happen automatically in most common cases, but can be overwritten for the uncommon ones.
See the mapping rules in table_name and the full example in files/activerecord/README_rdoc.html for more insight.
Active Records accept constructor parameters either in a hash or as a block. The hash method is especially useful when you're receiving the data from somewhere else, like an HTTP request. It works like this:
user = "David", occupation: "Code Artist") # => "David"
You can also use block initialization:
user = do |u| = "David"
u.occupation = "Code Artist"
And of course you can just create a bare object and specify the attributes after the fact:
user = = "David"
user.occupation = "Code Artist"
Conditions can either be specified as a string, array, or hash representing the WHERE-part of an SQL statement. The array form is to be used when the condition input is tainted and requires sanitization. The string form can be used for statements that don't involve tainted data. The hash form works much like the array form, except only equality and range is possible. Examples:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.authenticate_unsafely(user_name, password)
where("user_name = '#{user_name}' AND password = '#{password}'").first
def self.authenticate_safely(user_name, password)
where("user_name = ? AND password = ?", user_name, password).first
def self.authenticate_safely_simply(user_name, password)
where(user_name: user_name, password: password).first
The authenticate_unsafely
method inserts the parameters
directly into the query and is thus susceptible to SQL-injection attacks if
the user_name
and password
parameters come
directly from an HTTP request. The authenticate_safely
both will sanitize the
and password
before inserting them in
the query, which will ensure that an attacker can't escape the query
and fake the login (or worse).
When using multiple parameters in the conditions, it can easily become hard to read exactly what the fourth or fifth question mark is supposed to represent. In those cases, you can resort to named bind variables instead. That's done by replacing the question marks with symbols and supplying a hash with values for the matching symbol keys:
"id = :id AND name = :name AND division = :division AND created_at > :accounting_date",
{ id: 3, name: "37signals", division: "First", accounting_date: '2005-01-01' }
Similarly, a simple hash without a statement will generate conditions based on equality with the SQL AND operator. For instance:
Student.where(first_name: "Harvey", status: 1)
A range may be used in the hash to use the SQL BETWEEN operator:
Student.where(grade: 9..12)
An array may be used in the hash to use the SQL IN operator:
Student.where(grade: [9,11,12])
When joining tables, nested hashes or keys written in the form 'table_name.column_name' can be used to qualify the table name of a particular condition. For instance:
Student.joins(:schools).where(schools: { category: 'public' })
Student.joins(:schools).where('schools.category' => 'public' )
Overwriting default accessors
All column values are automatically available through basic accessors on
the Active Record object, but sometimes you want to specialize this
behavior. This can be done by overwriting the default accessors (using the
same name as the attribute) and calling super
to actually
change things.
class Song < ActiveRecord::Base
# Uses an integer of seconds to hold the length of the song
def length=(minutes)
super(minutes.to_i * 60)
def length
super / 60
You can alternatively use self[:attribute]=(value)
or write_attribute(:attribute,
and read_attribute(:attribute)
Attribute query methods
In addition to the basic accessors, query methods are also automatically available on the Active Record object. Query methods allow you to test whether an attribute value is present. For numeric values, present is defined as non-zero.
For example, an Active Record User with the name
attribute has
a name?
method that you can call to determine whether the user
has a name:
user = "David") # => true
anonymous = "") # => false
Accessing attributes before they have been typecasted
Sometimes you want to be able to read the raw attribute data without having
the column-determined typecast run its course first. That can be done by
using the <attribute>_before_type_cast
accessors that
all attributes have. For example, if your Account model has a
attribute, you can call
This is especially useful in validation situations where the user might supply a string for an integer field and you want to display the original string back in an error message. Accessing the attribute normally would typecast the string to 0, which isn't what you want.
Dynamic attribute-based finders
Dynamic attribute-based finders are a mildly deprecated way of getting
(and/or creating) objects by simple queries without turning to SQL. They
work by appending the name of an attribute to find_by_
. Instead of writing
Person.find_by(user_name: user_name)
, you can use
It's possible to add an exclamation point (!) on the end of the dynamic
finders to get them to raise an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
error if they do not return any records, like
It's also possible to use multiple attributes in the same find by separating them with “and”.
Person.find_by(user_name: user_name, password: password)
Person.find_by_user_name_and_password(user_name, password) # with dynamic finder
It's even possible to call these dynamic finder methods on relations and named scopes.
Saving arrays, hashes, and other non-mappable objects in text columns
Active Record can serialize any object in text columns using YAML. To do
so, you must specify this with a call to the class method
. This makes it possible to store arrays, hashes, and
other non-mappable objects without doing any additional work.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :preferences
user = User.create(preferences: { "background" => "black", "display" => large })
User.find( # => { "background" => "black", "display" => large }
You can also specify a class option as the second parameter that'll raise an exception if a serialized object is retrieved as a descendant of a class not in the hierarchy.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :preferences, Hash
user = User.create(preferences: %w( one two three ))
User.find( # raises SerializationTypeMismatch
When you specify a class option, the default value for that attribute will be a new instance of that class.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :preferences, OpenStruct
user =
user.preferences.theme_color = "red"
Single table inheritance
Active Record allows inheritance by storing the name of the class in a column that is named “type” by default. See ActiveRecord::Inheritance for more details.
Connection to multiple databases in different models
Connections are usually created through
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection and retrieved by
ActiveRecord::Base.connection. All classes inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base will use this connection. But you
can also set a class-specific connection. For example, if Course is an ActiveRecord::Base, but resides in a different
database, you can just say Course.establish_connection
Course and all of its subclasses will use this connection instead.
This feature is implemented by keeping a connection pool in ActiveRecord::Base that is a Hash indexed by the class. If a connection is requested, the retrieve_connection method will go up the class-hierarchy until a connection is found in the connection pool.
ActiveRecordError - Generic error class and superclass of all other errors raised by Active Record.
AdapterNotSpecified - The configuration hash used in
didn't include an:adapter
key. -
AdapterNotFound - The
key used inestablish_connection
specified a non-existent adapter (or a bad spelling of an existing one). -
AssociationTypeMismatch - The object assigned to the association wasn't of the type specified in the association definition.
AttributeAssignmentError - An error occurred while doing a mass assignment through the
method. You can inspect theattribute
property of the exception object to determine which attribute triggered the error. -
ConnectionNotEstablished - No connection has been established. Use
before querying. -
MultiparameterAssignmentErrors - Collection of errors that occurred during a mass assignment using the
method. Theerrors
property of this exception contains an array of AttributeAssignmentError objects that should be inspected to determine which attributes triggered the errors. -
RecordInvalid - raised by save! and create! when the record is invalid.
RecordNotFound - No record responded to the
method. Either the row with the given ID doesn't exist or the row didn't meet the additional restrictions. Somefind
calls do not raise this exception to signal nothing was found, please check its documentation for further details. -
SerializationTypeMismatch - The serialized object wasn't of the class specified as the second parameter.
StatementInvalid - The database server rejected the SQL statement. The precise error is added in the message.
Note: The attributes listed are class-level attributes
(accessible from both the class and instance level). So it's possible
to assign a logger to the class through Base.logger=
will then be used by all instances in the current object space.
- ActiveRecord::Core
- ActiveRecord::Persistence
- ActiveRecord::ReadonlyAttributes
- ActiveRecord::ModelSchema
- ActiveRecord::Inheritance
- ActiveRecord::Scoping
- ActiveRecord::Sanitization
- ActiveRecord::AttributeAssignment
- ActiveModel::Conversion
- ActiveRecord::Integration
- ActiveRecord::Validations
- ActiveRecord::CounterCache
- ActiveRecord::Locking::Optimistic
- ActiveRecord::Locking::Pessimistic
- ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods
- ActiveRecord::Callbacks
- ActiveRecord::Timestamp
- ActiveRecord::Associations
- ActiveModel::SecurePassword
- ActiveRecord::AutosaveAssociation
- ActiveRecord::NestedAttributes
- ActiveRecord::Aggregations
- ActiveRecord::Transactions
- ActiveRecord::NoTouching
- ActiveRecord::Reflection
- ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Serialization
- ActiveRecord::Store